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  Predatory Trading And Crowded Exits

Predatory Trading And Crowded Exits

by James Clunie

  Price : Rs 495.00
  Your Price : Rs 455.40
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  New Advances in Trading Volatile Markets

How traders can profit from temporary market volatility — and how to avoid its perils

This book shows traders how to profit from temporary market volatility. It offers important new knowledge and insights into the phenomena of predatory trading, crowded exits, stop losses and manipulation. The market volatility these situations create leaves unwary traders confused and open to sudden, unexpected risk. For the knowledgeable traders, on the other hand, such volatility offers profitable trading opportunities.

Predatory traders, who are typically well-capitalised and well-informed, exploit their knowledge about the strategies, weaknesses and positions of other traders. Market participants also need to be alert for manipulation which is characterised by large, abnormal market moves in the absence of any news announcement. Crowded exits can create losses for short-sellerswhen security prices temporarily surge upwards against their expectations.

These market phenomena have only recently begun to be better understood. Complete with numerous examples, this book explains their basic principles and describes in detail how these phenomena play out in real-life, thus advancing your knowledge of market volatility and your ability to deal with it.

Every trader will benefit from this book by gaining a clear understanding of volatility caused bypredatory trading and crowded exits — and the risks and profit opportunities they create. The new knowledge about these phenomena contained in this book would give you a distinct edge over other traders both by helping you profit from temporary market volatility and by protecting you from becoming its victim. Longer-horizon investors who want to avoid timing errors would also gain from this book.

ISBN - 9788170948483

Pages : 216
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