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  Public Affairs in Practice

Public Affairs In Practice

by Stuart Thomson And Steve John

  Price : Rs 225.00
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  Description: As the value and worth of reputations are recognized in business, among NGOs and charities, public affairs is becoming increasingly important. Examining the methods professionals use to make an impact, Public Affairs in Practice explores each area of the industry in turn and looks at the tools involved in the delivery of a public affairs programme. Offering advice on the "dos and don`ts" of public affairs, the authors provide guidance on:

¢ effective lobbying;

¢ media relations and crisis management;

¢ managing stakeholder relations

¢ managing issues;

¢ corporate social responsibility.

Public Affairs in Practice highligths the potential benefits of public affairs and identifies new global opportunities. Case studies and "top tips" from industry professionals make this a practical guide for practitioners and students at all levels.

Contents: Introduction ¢ Public affairs in practice ¢ What is lobbying ¢ Lobbying or public affairs? ¢ How the UK public affairs industry has changed ¢ What difference does public affairs make? ¢ Public affairs around the globe ¢ Getting into public affairs ¢ Early stages ¢ Codes of conduct ¢ Overall ¢ The art of lobbying ¢ Why lobby? ¢ Monitoring ¢ What do you want to do? ¢ How policy is made in the UK ¢ Policy ¢ How to lobby ¢ Contact programme ¢ Meetings ¢ Local government ¢ Scotland ¢ Wales ¢ Europe ¢ Global institutions ¢ General rules ¢ Reputation and the media ¢ Media relations ¢ Crisis management ¢ Managing issues ¢ Get to the heart of the issue ¢ Building the evidence ¢ Think tanks ¢ Economic consultancies ¢ Business schools ¢ Polling organizations ¢ Building support ¢ Conclusion ¢ Stakeholder relations ¢ The value of stakeholders ¢ Identify your stakeholders ¢ Understanding your stakeholders ¢ Engaging your stakeholders ¢ Planning communications ¢ Summary ¢ Corporate social responsibility ¢ Definitions ¢ Measuring CSR ¢ The growth of CSR ¢ Why CSR? ¢ The role of government ¢ Impact of CSR on public affairs ¢ Conclusion ¢ Conclusion ¢ On a personal level ¢ Future trends and developments ¢ Overall ¢ Public affairs “ a checklist ¢ Appendix “ codes of conduct ¢ CIPR ¢ APPC ¢ PRCA ¢ EPACA ¢ EULobby.net ¢ SEAP

About the Authors: Dr Stuart Thomson is Senior Public Affairs Adviser at Bircham Dyson Bell, the leading law firm and parliamentary Agency. He was previously a Director with Upstream, the political consultancy and regulatory affairs division of the international law firm, DLA Piper. He writes and lectures on business and political issues and is the author of several books. Dr Steve John is Director of Government Affairs for PepsiCo UK and Ireland. Before that, he ran Upstream, the political consultancy and regulatory affairs division of the international law firm, DLA Piper. He has also worked as a journalist and as a political consultant for a number of government relations firms.

Target Audience: People in government affairs, media relations, lobbyists, politicians, civil servants, NGOs, trade unions, public sector bodies such as police, education establishments, health authorities & individuals.
Special prices are applicable to the authorised sales territory only.
Prices are subject to change without prior notice. ISBN 9788175543324

Pages : 192
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