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  Managing Activism

Managing Activism

by Denise Deegan

  Price : Rs 195.00
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  Description: Campaigners and pressure groups employ a wide range of aggressive tactics for which most organisations are completely unprepared. These tactics include anything from generating bad publicity and encouraging boycotts to seeking government and legislative intervention. All of these can cause severe damage to an organisation`s reputation, sales, profitability and share price. Despite this, few companies plan for activist attack “ they do not know how to respond, and either fail to respond at all or do so ineffectively.

Managing Activism examines the aims and motives of activist groups and provides a no-nonsense guide to handling activist pressure. Packed with numerous case studies, this guide demonstrates that an organisation can move from a combative to a more win“win situation with activists. Importantly, it also highlights steps that organisations can take to avoid becoming targets in the First place. Subjects covered include:

¢ the dynamics of activism;

¢ how not to deal with activists;

¢ negotiating a way forward;

¢ appointing responsibility for activism in-house;

¢ getting to know ˜the enemy`;

¢ relationship building, negotiation and conflict resolution;

¢ when activists will not negotiate;

¢ communicating about risk;

¢ improving community relations;

¢ dealing with the media;

¢ coping with emergencies;

¢ planning and evaluation.

Endorsed by the Chartered Institute of Public Relations, Managing Activism is essential reading for managers and PR practitioners in any organisation vulnerable to activism, be it a company, government, university, institution or charity.

Contents: Introduction ¢ The dynamics of activism ¢ Activists: what are they? ¢ What motivates activists? ¢ Activists: a growing threat ¢ Who is at risk from activism? ¢ Tactics used by activists ¢ Frequency of tactics used ¢ Case study: the campaign against Alar ¢ The effects of activist pressure on organisations: research ¢ Can we influence the tactics used by activists? ¢ Can there be benefits to activism? ¢ Shareholder activism ¢ Summary ¢ How not to deal with activists ¢ Ignoring activists ¢ Case study: Nike lands in hot water “ part 1 ¢ Ignoring groups but seeking to influence public opinion ¢ Case study: Nike lands in hot water “ part 2 ¢ Seeking to mislead audiences ¢ Trying to persuade activists ¢ Fighting back ¢ Case study: McDonald`s, McLibel, McSpotlight ¢ Case study: Timberlands fails to ˜neutralise` critics ¢ Do not do what you would not want to be seen doing ¢ How organizations deal with activists: research ¢ Summary ¢ A way forward ¢ Not poles apart ¢ Proactive dialogue, negotiation and conflict resolution ¢ How organisations can benefit from working with activists ¢ Can activists benefit from working with organizations? ¢ The aim of two-way symmetrical communications ¢ Elements of two-way symmetrical programmes ¢ Case study: the limitations of persuasion and the benefits of dialogue ¢ Summary ¢ Appointing responsibility for activism in-house ¢ Who to choose ¢ Training ¢ The benefits of careful selection and training ¢ Management must support two-way symmetrical communications ¢ Building a team ¢ Development of the individual ¢ Are organisations prepared for activist pressure?: research ¢ Summary ¢ Get to know ˜the enemy` ¢ What to research ¢ Case study: the tin can industry sees the need to change ¢ Research criteria ¢ Summary ¢ Relationship building, negotiation and conflict resolution ¢ Which groups to approach ¢ When to approach ¢ Who to approach first ¢ Think like an activist ¢ Making initial contact ¢ Opening negotiations ¢ Involving independent third parties ¢ Maintaining ongoing contact with activists ¢ The long-term goal of negotiation ¢ Keeping negotiations on course ¢ Treading with caution ¢ Involving activists and potential activists in decision making ¢ Case study: the benefits of task forces ¢ Summary ¢ When activists will not negotiate ¢ Why activists may refuse to negotiate ¢ Move forward with other groups ¢ Building defences ¢ Dealing with hostile groups ¢ Case study: rapid response to a malicious attack ¢ Summary ¢ Communicating about risk ¢ Dangers of keeping quiet about risks ¢ Understanding risk ¢ The basic principles of risk communications ¢ Case study: public backlash against perceived failure to communicate ¢ At what stage should risk communications be commenced? ¢ Who to communicate risk to ¢ When to employ risk communications ¢ Peter Sandman`s questions to ask in risk communications ¢ Summary ¢ Community relations ¢ Why is the local community so important? ¢ Why do local communities form groups? ¢ Case study: full and early consultation facilitates community acceptance of sewage incinerator ¢ Winning community support ¢ Case study: One 2 One learns important lessons in community relations ¢ Summary ¢ Media relations ¢ The benefits of media relations ¢ Media relations are an ongoing process ¢ Two-way information flow needed ¢ Key elements of a media relations programme ¢ Summary ¢ Emergencies ¢ Why activists love emergencies ¢ Prevention is preferable ¢ Crisis preparation and planning ¢ What to do in the event of an emergency ¢ Should activists be approached during emergencies ¢ If approaching activists in an emergency ¢ Summary ¢ Planning and evaluation ¢ Why plan and evaluate? ¢ The most basic approach: public relations by objectives ¢ Setting programme objectives ¢ Short-and long-term evaluation ¢ Evaluating symmetrical programmes ¢ Preparing communications programmes ¢ Full steam ahead ¢ Summary

About the Author: Denise Deegan, FCIPR, runs a specialist healthcare PR agency in Dublin, where her clients include several leading international pharmaceutical companies.

Target Audience: Essential reading for managers and public relations practitioners.
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ISBN 9788175543393

Pages : 160
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