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  Evaluating Public Relations, 2/e

Evaluating Public Relations, 2/E

by Tom Watson And Paul Noble

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  Description: The evaluation of pubic relations activity is ranked very highly among PR practitioners worldwide. Both consultancy and in-house practitioners are seeking greater evidence of campaigns and programmes, which in turn is leading to a greater demand for information on evaluation methods.

This fully revised second edition of Evaluating Public Relations is essential reading for anyone involved in this practice. It is illustrated by award-winning new case studies from around the globe and contains interviews with leading PR practitioners. The new edition includes up-to-date information on:

¢ the principles of public relations practice;

¢ evaluation and communication psychology;

¢ practitioner culture “ why we do what we do;

¢ gathering and interpreting information;

¢ media evaluation systems;

¢ evaluation structures and processes;

¢ objectives and objective setting;

¢ measuring relationships and crisis communication;

¢ the challenge of the online environment;

¢ evaluation progress and future developments.

The authors draw on their combined and extensive experience of PR evaluation, giving the reader valuable inside knowledge.

Contents: Principles of public relations practice ¢ The role of theory ¢ The evolution of public relations ¢ Practice paradigm ¢ Defining public relations ¢ Public relations theory ¢ Grunig`s primacy ¢ European perspectives ¢ Evaluation and communication psychology ¢ Number one practitioner topic ¢ Objectives of evaluation ¢ Complexity of evaluation ¢ Methodology problems ¢ Effects-based planning ¢ Defining evaluation ¢ Principles of evaluation ¢ Practitioner culture “ why we do what we do ¢ Holy Grail or reinventing the wheel ¢ ˜Bean counters` v creativity ¢ Large-scale studies ¢ Lindenmann`s research ¢ Watson`s studies ¢ Australian studies ¢ Small sample research ¢ CEO`s attitudes ¢ Multiple metrics ¢ The barriersto evaluation ¢ Pressures to evaluate ¢ CIPR policy statement ¢ Conclusions ¢ Gathering and interpreting information ¢ The scope of research ¢ Research methods ¢ Desk research ¢ Action research ¢ Case studies ¢ Experiments ¢ Surveys ¢ Interviews ¢ Questionnaires ¢ Sampling methods ¢ Questionnaire design ¢ Analysing information ¢ Evaluation structures and process ¢ Preparation, Implementation, Impact ¢ Macnamara`s Pyramid Model ¢ Public Relations Effectiveness Yardstick ¢ The PRE process ¢ The Unified model ¢ Practitioner-derived models ¢ Short Term and Continuing programmes ¢ Universality of application ¢ Dashboards and scorecards ¢ Developing a media evaluation system ¢ Setting up a simple media monitoring system ¢ A dimensional model of media evaluation ¢ Case study: in-house media evaluation system ¢ Evaluation in practice “ case studies ¢ PricewaterhouseCoopers ¢ Airbus ¢ Comalco ¢ Infocomm Development Authority of Singapore ¢ LIFT06 Conference ¢ Southwest Airlines ¢ Surrey Police ¢ Toyota Australia ¢ Westminster City Council, London ¢ Volvo XC90 ¢ Objectives and objective setting ¢ Objectives in context ¢ Aims, goals and objectives ¢ Management by objectives (MBO) ¢ Hierarchy of objectives ¢ Specifying objectives ¢ The nature of objectives ¢ Process objectives ¢ Relationship and crisis communication measurement ¢ Measuring relationships ¢ Evaluating communications effectiveness in a crisis ¢ The challenge of the online environment ¢ Public relations online ¢ Evaluating websites and online press offices ¢ Media evaluation and the net ¢ A cyberspace toolbox ¢ Future developments ¢ Developing good practice ¢ Return on Investment (ROI) ¢ Econometrics ¢ Advertising Value Equivalents (AVEs) ¢ Payment by results ¢ Managing overview ¢ Moving evaluation forward ¢ Top tips for evaluating public relations ¢ References

About the Author: Dr Tom Watson, FCIPR, is Deputy Dean (Education) in The Media School at Bournemouth University. Paul Noble, FCIPR, is an independent PR trainer, consultant, academic and mentor.

Target Audience: PR students & practitioners.
Special prices are applicable to the authorised sales territory only.
Prices are subject to change without prior notice. ISBN 9788175543850

Pages : 256
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