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  Golf For Enlightenment

Golf For Enlightenment

by Deepak Chopra

  Price : Rs 399.00
  Your Price : Rs 319.20
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  Golf for Enlightenment is the fable of Adam Seaver, an ordinary person, with a terrible game. Adam meets a mysterious young teaching pro named Wendy who, in seven crisp, short yet profound lessons, teaches him things that seem baffling at first: - You and the ball are one - Find the now, and you will find the shot - Let the game play you From the moment they begin to put these lessons into practice, what was previously a humiliation turns into a transforming experience, not just for Adam`s score but for his whole life. Long a famous writer on spiritual subjects, hailed as the poet-philosopher of mind-body medicine, Deepak Chopra found himself fascinated by the game of golf. He could not escape its parallels to life: `Golf is like lightning caught in a bottle. It can turn triumph into disaster in a split second.` Faced with the wild ups and downs of his own game, Chopra crystallised a teaching based on mindfulness, the ability to remain calm and focused, relaxed and powerful at the same time. Mindfulness can improve any golf game, from the beginner`s to the tour professional`s. And it can improve anybody`s life, no matter what game they play - or none. ISBN 9781844135813

Pages : 208
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