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    	Soft Skills a€“ Enhancing Employability: Connecting Campus with C

Soft Skills A€“ Enhancing Employability: Connecting Campus With C

by M.S. Rao

  Price : Rs 325.00
  Your Price : Rs 276.25
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  This is a very timely book. With the world still reeling from the aftershocks of the global credit crunch. Professor M.S Rao offers a number of extremely useful maps to young people who need to navigate the territory of creating their own success in organizational life. He also offers practical help to the reader to develop the soft skills that are so vital in developing effective working relationships. - Anne Gimson, Managing Director, strategic Developments International Limited U.K. and Editor, Development & Learning in Organization “ An international journal. Here is a book which fills a certain vacuum, Professor M.S. Rao unravels the significance of soft skills and provides guidelines to acquire them. A must-read book for all aspiring managers. Vinod K. Dikshit Managing Editor “ Indian Edition, Leadership Excellence. The Direction in which education starts a man will determine his future. “ Plato Currently there is a wide chasm between the campus and the industry. There is vast gap between the art and the craft. The book helps in connecting the campus with the corporate by bridging the gap between the campus and the industry and by blending both the art and the craft. It helps you understand and appreciate both soft and hard skills. It differentiates between unemployability and unemployment. It enlightens you about the expectations of employers. It equips you with tools and techniques to enhance your employability. Finally it builds your confidence and competence to bag your coveted job. The book is divided into three sections. Section I deals with various aspects of soft skills and what constitutes soft skills. Section II outlines the current challenges in the Indian educational system. Section III emphasizes on overcoming the challenges. It unveils the secrets and strategies in enhancing employability. The book concludes that an integrated and coordinated approach by all the stakeholders such as educational institutions, educators, students, recruiters and parents is essential in enhancing employability among youth. The book is beneficial to all those who would like to enhance their employability skills and also to educators, employees, educational institutions, recruiters and above all students.ISBN 9789380578385

Pages : 256
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