Much broader in scope than counselling, advising or coaching, Mentoring is actually an ancient concept. This book is not only for those who propose to set up a Mentor Programme but more importantly for assisting both the mentors and the potential mentorees. The book will be helpful in making the mentor`s journey with the mentorees move more smoothly and quickly towards the desired goal. It provides an understanding of relationships between mentors and those they seek to help, emphasizes the importance of trust between the mentors and those mentored and tries to illustrate how mutual trust can be used to achieve satisfying results. It deals with management and business process involving vision (referring to a better future), mission (purpose of the enterprise), listening and debating. Some of the important topics covered in the book are a list of characteristics possessed by the ideal mentor, a survey of the likely attitudes of mentorees, an overview of the interplay between mentor and mentoree, a suggested organisational structure for a mentor programme, notes on selection and training of mentors etc.
Pages : 248