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  Metre, Rhythm and Verse Form

Metre, Rhythm And Verse Form

by Philip Hobsbaum , P. Hobsbaum

  Price : Rs 240.00
  Your Price : Rs 204.00
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  Book Summary of Metre, Rhythm and Verse Form
"Metre, Rhythm, Free Verse" is designed to explain the most important component of verse--its sound. This book provides all of the tools necessary to understanding poetry and poetry criticism, while clarifying and making accessible a number of technical terms which could otherwise be both intimidating and confusing.
In a manner which is both unpretentious and enthusiastic, Philip Hosbaum defines the difference between metre and rhythm, and provides newer and more precise definitions for terms such as blank verse, sprung verse and free verse. From the bob-wheel stanza to the iambus, from the Spenserian sonnet to modern rap, this comprehensive yet succinct volume covers the many terms and ideas which are essential to a fuller appreciation of poetry. In addition to providing this indispensable foundation for further reading, "Metre, Rhythm, Free Verse" also introduces its readers to a selection of key poets from all ages. Awelcome remedy to the complexity of poetical terminology, this book proves an invaluable introduction and an essential guide.

Poetry criticism is a subject central to the study of literature. However, it is laden with technical terms that, to the beginning student, can be both intimidating and confusing. Philip Hobsbaum provides a welcome remedy, illuminating terms ranging from the iambus to the bob-wheel stanza, and forms from the Spenserian sonnet to modern `rap`, with clarity and comprehensiveness. It is an essential guide through the terminology which will be invaluable reading for undergraduates new to the subject. ISBN

Pages : 208
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