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  Yogarnava: Yogas in Indian Astrology

Yogarnava: Yogas In Indian Astrology

by V S Kalyanraman

  Price : Rs 470.00
  Your Price : Rs 470.00
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  This book is a compilation of Yogas that are specific planetary combinations, identifiable in any horoscope, which are deemed to have special power and capacity of bringing forth some explicit results, good or bad. They are found in abundance and lie scattered by mention in the various astrological texts of yore. Though technically any conjunction of planets can go under the classification of yoga, the ancient astrological treatises have identified some of the select ones as something special and categorized them under explicit nomenclatures that are suggestive of their precise attributes. They can function as preferential tools in adjudging the prospects or assessment of potency in any horoscope.

The terse language used in texts in the interpretation of the results of yogas, if applied literally in individual horoscopes can often drive one to defective or even disastrous conclusions. Successful prediction, for any horoscope, may depend partly on the correct interpretations of any Yoga, found in it. Evaluating yoga is in itself, an elaborate process. This book is aimed to aid the right technique of interpretation of yogas, rather than their enumeration. Innovative in intention and investigative in insight, the book leads the reader through the labyrinths of varied versions, contentious, conciliatory and conflicting among themselves to arrive at a compatible conclusion.

Through an incisive evaluation, the book helps the reader to appraise them appropriately. In addition it engulfs itself with an encyclopA¦dic content of many informative inputs. In short it is a vade-mecum for anyone, whose passion is astrology.

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