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  	Strategic Leadership

Strategic Leadership

by John Adair

  Price : Rs 295.00
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  Reviews: "Purpose is energy plus direction"

- The Hindu Business Line

˜One of the foremost thinkers on leadership`

- Sir John Harvey-Jones

"John Adair is the first professor of Leadership Studies in the world and he remains the most distinguished figure in the field."

The Sunday Times

"Authoritative and wise."

Warren Bennis, Distinguished Professor of Management, University of Southern California

"Adair is rightly regarded as one of the founding fathers of modern leadership."


Description: A strategic leader is essentially the leader of any organization and someone who has to steer the company in times of change, whilst motivating and inspiring their team.

Strategic Leadership, from the renowned leadership expert John Adair, encourages leaders to focus on tomorrow rather than yesterday. It explores the nature and origin of strategic leadership and the art of inspiring others, before describing the role itself and the broad leadership functions of achieving a common task, building and maintaining a team, and motivating and developing the individual. Authoritative and thought-provoking, it assesses the skills you need to be effective and defines the seven generic functions of a strategic leader.

¢ Providing direction

¢ Strategic thinking and planning

¢ Making it happen

¢ Relating the parts to the whole

¢ Building partnerships

¢ Releasing the corporate spirit

¢ Developing tomorrow`s leaders

Full of checklists, summaries and historical examples, Strategic Leadership will encourage you to ask the right questions, defining your role and the skills you need to become an effective strategic leader.

Strategic Leadership explores the nature and the origin of the role, the different types of leadership within organizations and the art of inspiring others. It reveals the seven key functions of a strategic leader such as providing direction and building partnerships. Authoritative and thought-provoking, it will help you to define your role and the skills you need to become an effective strategic leader.

Contents : Introduction ¢ Part One: The role ¢ Strategic leadership: Military origins of strategic leadership ¢ Learning generalship ¢ The art of the commander-in-chief ¢ Transferable skills ¢ The art of inspiring others ¢ Key points ¢ The generic role of leader: Group needs ¢ The three circles model ¢ Necessary functions ¢ The generic role of a leader ¢ A leader`s qualifications ¢ The intellectual side of leadership ¢ Key points ¢ Levels of leadership: Understanding organization ¢ Different leadership responsibilities ¢ The functions of strategic leadership ¢ Key points ¢ Part Two: The seven functions ¢ Giving direction: Purpose ¢ The reason why ¢ Values ¢ Vision ¢ Checklist: Giving direction ¢ Key points ¢ Strategic thinking and planning: The military analogy ¢ The nature of strategic thinking ¢ Strategic planning ¢ Some principles to bear in mind ¢ Checklist: Strategic thinking and planning ¢ Key points ¢ Making it happen: Controlling ¢ Controlling in organizations ¢ When things are going wrong ¢ The importance of teamwork ¢ The eight hallmarks of a high-performance team ¢ Checklist: Making it happen¢ Key points ¢ Relating the parts to the whole: Unitary and federal organizations ¢ Harmony at work ¢ Reviewing your organizational structure ¢ A good strategic leader always delegates ¢ Organizing yourself ¢ Checklist: Relating the parts to the whole ¢ Key points ¢ Building partnerships: The three circles model ¢ Social relations in general ¢ Checklist: Building partnerships ¢ Key points ¢ Releasing the corporate spirit: Asabiyah ¢ The force of purpose ¢ Checklist: Releasing the corporate spirit ¢ Key points ¢ Developing today`s and tomorrow`s leaders: Case study: Learning to lead at your new level Checklist: Developing today`s and tomorrow`s leaders ¢ Key points ¢ Conclusion ¢ Index

About the Author : John Adair is now widely regarded as the world`s leading authority on leadership and leadership development. Over a million managers worldwide have taken part in the leadership programmes he pioneered. John had a colourful early career and he was the only national serviceman to serve in the Arab Legion, where he became adjutant of a Bedouin regiment in 1979 he became the world`s first Professor of Leadership Studies at the University of Surrey. A teacher and consultant he has also written over 50 books, including the leadership classic, Not Bosses but Leaders and also How to Grow Leaders, and more recently The Leadership of Muhammad (all published by Kogan Page). Recently the People`s Republic of China awarded him the title of Honorary Professor in recognition of his "outstanding research and contribution in the field of Leadership". In 2009, John was appointed the United Nations Chair of Strategic Leadership based on the UN College in Turin.

Target Audience: Management students, academics, business professionals
Special prices are applicable to the authorised sales territory only.
Prices are subject to change without prior notice. ISBN 9780749462031

Pages : 140
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