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  	Not Bosses But Leaders

Not Bosses But Leaders

by John Adair

  Price : Rs 195.00
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  Reviews: "John Adair is the first professor of Leadership Studies in the world and he remains the most distinguished figure in the field."

The Sunday Times

"Authoritative and wise."

Warren Bennis, Distinguished Professor of Management, University of Southern California

"Adair is righty regardedas one of the founding fathers of modern leadership."


"One of the foremost thinkers on leadership"

Sir John Harvey-Jones

Description: Not Bosses But Leaders is a pioneering work from John Adair that has transformed our understanding of how leadership works and how executives can become business leaders. Accessible guidance on exactly what you need to become a leader is presented in the form of a dialogue with a young business executive, and each fundamental aspect of leadership is discussed including:

The qualities of leadership;
Leadership styles;
Leadership functions;
The difference between leadership and management;
Strategic leadership

Not Bosses But Leaders is a timeless work of great vision with a solid practical core. Thought provoking and definitive, it springs from the day-to-day realities of management, and will enable you to greatly improve your leadership skills. It is the study of what a leader actually has to do.


Introduction ¢ Part 1 Qualities of Leadership ¢ Situational Leadership ¢ Functional Leadership ¢ Motivation ¢ Keypoints: Part 1 ¢ Part 2: The Circles Interact ¢ Leadership Functions ¢ Sharing decisions ¢ Styles of Leadership ¢ Keypoints: Part 2 ¢ Part 3: Leaders or Managers? ¢ Leadership and Change ¢ Hallmarks of Leadership ¢ Managing and Management ¢ The Manager as Leader ¢ The Roots of Management ¢ Both Leaders and Managers ¢ Keypoints: Part 3 ¢ Part 4: High-performance Teams ¢ Wearing Three Hats ¢ Levels of Leadership ¢ Keypoints: Part 4 ¢ Part 5: The Purpose of Industry ¢ Strategic Leadership ¢ Involving Others in Strategy ¢ Keypoints: Part 5 ¢ Part 6: Moving from Plans to Action ¢ Agreeing Objectives ¢ Relating the Parts to the Whole ¢ Respecting the Line ¢ Line and Staff ¢ Two-way Communication ¢ The Roots of Morale ¢ Keypoints: Part 6 ¢ Part 7: Sharing and Caring ¢ The Case of the Injured Worker ¢ The Role of Trade Union Leadership ¢ Coping with Redundancy ¢ Growing Organizations ¢ True Authority ¢ Keypoints: Part 7 ¢ Part 8: Leadership and Power ¢ Humility ¢ Gaining Respect ¢ Giving Respect ¢ Leadership and Hierarchy ¢ Keypoints: Part 8 ¢ Part 9: Leadership from Within ¢ The Leader as Conductor ¢ Keypoints: Part 9 ¢ Conclusion ¢ Notes and References ¢ Index

About The Author: John Adair is the world`s leading authority on leadership and leadership development. Over a million managers worldwide have taken part in the Action-Centred Leadership programmes he pioneered. He is the author of over 50 books, many of which are published by Kogan Page, including the leadership classic, The Inspirational Leader. John can be contacted via www.johnadair.co.uk

Target Audience: Business Managers, Students of Management

Special prices are applicable to the authorised sales territory only.
Prices are subject to change without prior notice. ISBN 9788175544925

Pages : 190
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