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  Creating and Delivering Your Value Proposition

Creating And Delivering Your Value Proposition

by Cindy Barnes, Helen Blake & David Pinder

  Price : Rs 350.00
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  Reviews: "Value propositions are the most useful selling tools marketing has ever created, although “ up until now “ there`s been very little advice to help salespeople use them. Here, for the first time, the authors have given us a comprehensive and practical guide that fills a real need."

Neil Rackham, author of SPIN Selling and Visiting Professor at Portsmouth and Cranfield Business Schools

"Ninety per cent of directors don`t know what the components of a strategy are (HBR 2008). Even fewer know what a value proposition is, yet it`s this which makes the difference between success and failure. At last, there is a practial and very readable book spelling out how to build a value proposition. I commend this book to you."

Professor Malcolm McDonald, Emeritus Professor, Cranfield University School of Management

"Practical and pragmatic, this book will really help you create and build value for your clients."

Sean Finnan, Managing Director,
EDS UK and Ireland

"Essential, hands-on advice on how to generate profitable business by harnessing the experience of your clients. This is the book that shows you how to create and build value."

Mike Southon, Financial Times columnist, best-selling author and entrepreneur mentor

Description: In recent years, developing a value proposition has become the prime consideration for businesses. A value proposition is an analysis and quantified review of the business benefits, costs and value that a company can deliver to prospective customers and customer segments.

Creating and Delivering your Value Proposition provides guidance for business leaders “ demonstrating why having a strong value proposition is so important for a company. This practial new title shows readers how to build, deliver and harness value propositions to create profitable growth for a business by utilizing the experience of clients and customers.

Featuring global case studies and examples, Creating and Delivering your Value Proposition is an essential guide to understanding and developing a value-focused strategy for all senior practitioners.

Contents: Acknowledgements ¢ Introduction ¢ What do you really think about customers? ¢ Introduction ¢ What do you really think about customers? ¢ The lessons of childhood ¢ The experience of now ¢ Technology and customer power ¢ USP, FAB, VP, POP/POD: analysing the alphabet soup ¢ Client-focused, not client-run ¢ What is a value proposition? ¢ Why do you need to build a value proposition? ¢ Some definitions ¢ Exploring the value proposition concept ¢ Value = Benefits minus Cost ¢ Introducing the Value Proposition Buildera„¢ ¢ Focus ¢ From top level to specific ¢ To sum it up... ¢ The value-focused approach ¢ The value-focused enterprise ¢ Value creation, alignment and decision making ¢ Strategic intent ¢ B2B service and solutions providers and the consultative selling imperative ¢ Strategic value pathway: customer intimacy. Sales mode: consultative ¢ Creating your value proposition ¢ Value Proposition Builder: Market ¢ Analysing your market ¢ Define the specific group (s) of customers to target ¢ ˜Narrow and deep` beats ˜broad and shallow` ¢ Understand how to enter those markets ¢ Critical thinking ¢ Value Proposition Builder: The value experience ¢ Focus on customer experience delivers profit ¢ The value of research ¢ Ascertaining what the customer values ¢ The value interview ¢ Summary ¢ Value Proposition Builder: Offerings ¢ Step 1. Categorize your current portfolio ¢ The whole product or whole service ¢ Map to the Value Pyramida„¢ ¢ Profitability ¢ Value Proposition Builder: Benefits ¢ Expected benefits ¢ Augmented or additional benefits ¢ Potential benefits ¢ Translating benefits into messages ¢ Value experience is critical ¢ The value difference ¢ Value Proposition Builder: Alternatives and differentiation ¢ Assessing alternatives and differentiation by looking at substitutes ¢ What`s your difference? ¢ To sum it up... ¢ Value Proposition Builder: Proof ¢ Total cost of ownership (TCO), return on investment (ROI) and cost-benefit (C-B) ¢ TCO ¢ ROI ¢ C-B ¢ Summary ¢ Value proposition template and value proposition statement ¢ Completing the VP template and creating your VP statement ¢ Intel, and an exercise in getting your head around value propositions ¢ Timelines ¢ Message development ¢ Don`t throw your money away ¢ Augmented benefits ¢ Creating a message framework and hierarchy ¢ Summary ¢ Implementation ¢ Four constituencies, one goal - alignment of value ¢ What does it all mean for sales and marketing? ¢ Tools to help sales people create value ¢ Offering management ¢ New strategic tools ¢ Starting and sustaining ¢ Are the conditions right? ¢ Starting the process ¢ Building your value proposition ¢ Create your value proposition template and write your value proposition statement ¢ Ways to use your value proposition ¢ Sustaining the lead ¢ And finally... ¢ The value-focused enterprise ¢ Check the rulebook. It`s different now ¢ Decision making, value creation and the CEO paradox ¢ Decisive value-creating companies kick sand in the face of ditherers ¢ Capability gaps and unwritten rules sabotage value creation ¢ We`ve got a great solution! Where`s the client? ¢ Orchestrating alignment - the way to value ¢ Don`t discount human nature ¢ Where have we got to? This looks like a new planet ¢ Appendix A : Back to the future ¢ Early 19th century: customer misinformation - the hype of ˜mere marketable qualities` ¢ Mid- to late 19th century: customer distraction - make trade, not war ¢ Late 19th to early 20th century: customer enchantment - night becomes day ¢ Early to mid-20th century: customer manipulation - you are what you own ¢ Second half of the 20th century: customer domination - producers and retailers rule ¢ Mid-1990s onwards, and accelerating: customer power - finally, it`s the customer`s turn ¢ Appendix B Example value proposition for Intel (partial) ¢ Index

About the Authors: Cindy Barnes is the founder and CEO of Futurecurve*. A product and service innovator and strategic business developer, she gained her practical experience at leading organizations such as Panavision and Capgemini, where she created the value proposition function and led business development.

Helen Blake is a leading marketer and business developer and has held senior positions in a number of the world`s largest consulting firms, including Accenture and KPMG. Helen is on the board of Futurecurve.

David Pinder is a renowned marketer and business writer. He held senior sales and marketing positions in Procter & Gamble, Hertz and Forte Hotels, and now provides value-creating marketing and communications support for leading companies, including Accenture. Visit David at www.pinderandco.com

*Futurecurve is a leading management consultancy that helps organizations discover, create and build market-facing value. Visit Cindy and Helen at www.futurecurve.com

Target Audience: Business heads, Marketing heads, aacademics and students of management.
Special prices are applicable to the authorised sales territory only.
Prices are subject to change without prior notice. ISBN 9780749460907

Pages : 232
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