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  Reforming the United Nations

Reforming The United Nations

by Nazrul Islam

  Price : Rs 495.00
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  There were no Weapons of Mass Destruction in Iraq, nor any evidences of Saddam Hussein`s links with Osama bin Laden. The masquerade can no longer deceive the international community. The UN, which should have been the arbitrator, was reduced to a bystander, or worst, was gracelessly playing second fiddle to one of the most unjustifiable aggressions against a sovereign state in history. Ditto in the case of Kosovo bombings and the Palestinian crisis.

Over the years the UN has become a puppet in the hands of veto-wielding Big Powers of the world. Analysing the fundamental flaws of its constitution, Nazrul Islam launches an unsparing yet well-informed condemnation of the UN and its partial policies. Why does the UN continue to fail? When did the rot set in? If not the UN, then what? In the context of India`s bid for a permanent membership of the Security Council, Nazrul Islam`s opinions are bound to start off a whole new debate about the future of this most significant world organisation.

Is the United Nations truly an international peacekeeper? Are we “ the Third-World nations “ really represented at the UN? Is the UN a democratic institution protecting the weaker nations from tyranny and authoritarianism? Yes “ that is what we have been deluded into thinking. The history of the UN`s approach to the various international conflicts proves that it has always been only safeguarding the interests of the veto-wielding powers. In Reforming the United Nations Nazrul Islam exposes the wolf in sheep`s clothing. Analysing its history and lineage and identifying the flaws in its Charter, Islam argues that the proposed reforms of the UN will at best be cosmetic.

The truth may be hard to stomach. But the proof is contemporary history itself. During the Kosovo bombings, the UN did not show up its face. What its stand is about the Palestine question is a well-known secret. When Iraq was invaded, the United Nations was tongue-tied. In Reforming the United Nations Nazrul Islam is as hard-hitting as in his Islam 9/11 and Global Terrorism and as polemical as never before.
ISBN 9788130901930

Pages : 150
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