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  	Organizational Development

Organizational Development

by Cheung-Judge & Holbeche

  Price : Rs 495.00
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  Reviews: "An excellent compendium of essential OD and HR theories, approaches and practices to help practitioners understand what is involved in, and how to go about, planned organizational change."
-Robert J Marshak, PhD, Author of Covert Processes at Work and Organizational Change: Views from the edge and recipient of the US Network`s Lifetime Achievement Award

"In these leaner and leaner times, the practical guidance of this book ensures that OD / HR professionals and organization leaders have the tools and know-how to create and sustain healthy organizations."
-Dean Royles, Director, NHS Employers

"Mee-Yan is the most informed, engaging, inspiring OD practitioner I know. She combines a deep academic, evidence-based understanding of people and organizational design with extensive practical application and experience."
-Penny Lawrence, International Programmes Director

Description: Organization Development is key to ensuring that organizations and their people are able to adapt to and engage in ongoing change in today`s fast-paced, lean and competitive world. More than ever before, those involved in leading organizations and those OD practitioners helping them must facilitate change by creating conditions whereby people are centrally involved in making decisions that directly affect them - no matter how tough the changes are. By putting people at the centre of change OD helps organizations systematically build healthy sustainable change, even during turbulent times.

Written by two leading experts in the field, this book combines up-to-date theory with practical advice to provide a complete guide to implementing effective OD in your business. It will show you how an approach and HR tools such as leadership development can combine to drive performance and growth. Whether you`re an experienced practitioner or a student, this handbook contains a range of tips, techniques and international case studies to help you to understand, communicate and implement organizational change.

Contents: Introduction ¢ PART ONE: An OD practitioner`s guide to OD ¢ What is OD? A brief history ¢ The goals, characteristics and definition of Organization Development ¢ A brief history of OD ¢ Critical founders who shaped the OD field ¢ How the field got its name ¢ Values that have informed OD practice ¢ The role of the OD practitioner ¢ A theory overview ¢ What are our practice building blocks? ¢ The relationships between theory and research ¢ Five core theoretical bases that shape OD practices ¢ Methodological/practical implications of the theoretical perspectives ¢ The OD cycle and the entry and contracting phase ¢ Overview of the OD consultancy cycle - six key components ¢ Phase one: Entry - initial contact ¢ Phase two: Contracting ¢ The diagnostic phase ¢ What is diagnosis in OD? What are the wider aims for the diagnostic process? ¢ Summary of the tasks and skills required by the diagnostic process ¢ A political consideration in managing the diagnostic phase ¢ An outline of the different kinds of data you may need ¢ Data collection methods and how to ensure that the data collection process achieves your aims ¢ Data analysis - how to join different data together ¢ Data feedback and action planning ¢ The intervention phase ¢ Definition of intervention and the key criteria of OD intervention ¢ Summary of the tasks and skills required in intervention ¢ Cross-dimensional design of intervention - review of the three ˜cubes of intervention` frameworks ¢ Levels and types of interventions ¢ Summary of cross-dimensional checklist based on concepts from the three cubes, levels and types of intervention ¢ Building an intervention strategy - construction of criteria for effective intervention design ¢ The evaluation phase ¢ What is evaluation and what are metrics? ¢ Summary of the tasks and skills required for evaluation ¢ OD perspectives on evaluation - evaluation in the OD cycle of work ¢ How to build the culture of evaluation as an integrated part of our OD work ¢ What does one measure and how? ¢ The practicalities of estimating return on investment ¢ Postscript: The value an internal OD department can offer an organization ¢ The Organization Development practitioner ¢ The roles and tasks of OD practitioners ¢ The concept of ˜self as instrument` ¢ The competence profile of the OD practitioner ¢ The development journey that OD practitioners should engage in ¢ The practice trademarks of OD ¢ Power and politics and Organization Development ¢ What do we mean by power and politics? Why are they relevant for OD practitioners? ¢ Two faces of power - the work of McClelland ¢ How power dynamics work within the organization - four theorists ¢ The application of the use of power in three key OD activities ¢ Using personal power more effectively to achieve greater impact ¢ The future of OD ¢ A review of literature on OD`s future ¢ A proactive strategy to build a future for OD ¢ Final questions for you, as you form part of OD`s future ¢ PART TWO: HR in relation to OD: Practice examples ¢ HR in relation to OD ¢ Why is it important that HR ˜gets` OD? ¢ HR`s own change journey ¢ The expanding HR agenda ¢ Which of these activities require an OD frame? ¢ How can HR and OD work together? ¢ Organizational design ¢ What is organizational design? ¢ Challenges for the business ¢ The changing field of ODS ¢ The Star Model ¢ An HR/OD approach to designing organizations ¢ Culture change ¢ Defining culture ¢ Challenges of culture for the business and HR ¢ About culture change ¢ HR`s role in developing cultures ¢ HR`s role in integrating cultures ¢ HR`s role in changing cultures ¢ Conclusion and culture change checklist ¢ Managing transformational change ¢ A turbulent backdrop ¢ Defining transformational change ¢ What we know about profound change ¢ The people aspects of change ¢ What is required of HR in managing change? ¢ HR leading from the front ¢ Conclusion: HR`s role in building change capability ¢ Developing effective leadership ¢ Defining leadership ¢ Challenges facing leaders ¢ Challenges facing HR/OD ¢ Growing tomorrow`s leaders ¢ Leadership implications of the new terrain ¢ Conclusion: crafting a leadership development strategy ¢ Postscript ¢ People and organization ¢ Create great places to work ¢ Consciously develop a change-able culture ¢ Encourage learning and experimentation ¢ Stimulate people to perform brilliantly ¢ Manage change ¢ Build healthy and ethical organizations ¢ Build effective leadership ¢ Act now for a better future ¢ Be the change you want to see ¢ References ¢ Index

About the Authors: Dr Mee-Yan Cheung-Judge is the founder of Quality and Equality Ltd and the author of many Organization Development articles. She began her career as an academic but for the past 25 years she has primarily been an OD practitioner working with organizations on solving complex issues across sectors. She combines her consultancy work with speaking, writing and delivering OD capability development programmes across the world. She is currently a visiting fellow at Roffey Park Business School and was voted one of the 25 most influential thinkers in HR by HR Magazine in 2008.
Professor Linda Holbeche was previously Research and Policy Director at the CIPD and is an acknowledged thought and practice leader in HR. She too features strongly among the top 25 most influential thinkers in HR by HR Magazine and Personnel Today. Linda is co-director of the Holbeche Partnership and is an author, speaker, consultant and researcher in the fields of leadership, human resources, change management and sustainable high performance.

Special prices are applicable to the authorised sales territory only.
Prices are subject to change without prior notice. ISBN 9780749460945

Pages : 344
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