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  Excellence in Coaching, 2/E

Excellence In Coaching, 2/E

by Jonathan Passmore

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  Reviews: "I feel this is the coaching book I`ve been waiting for and I suspect many readers will feel the same."

Training Journal

"The coaching profession has requested an industry guide of best practice, and this is what The Association for Coaching has delivered. A handbook that embraces diversity, bringing together a credible range of coaching models and techniques by some of the world`s leading authorities on coaching."

Katherine Tulpa, Global CEO, Association for Coaching

"Excellence in Coaching provides the individual and corporate recipients of coaching with an excellent almost ˜A-Z` guide to the world of coaching, which is extremely helpful in demystifying this relatively new approach in business."

Gary Browning, CEO, Penna Consulting Plc

"Excellence in Coaching lives up to its title. Leading authors in the field of coaching have written about the business of coaching, the key approaches and professional issues. An excellent book for both beginners and experienced coaches."

Professor Stephen Palmer, Director of the Coaching Psychology Unit, City University

Description: Excellence in Coaching presents cutting-edge thinking in the field of workplace coaching. The second edition of this indispensible guide has been updated to reflect this rapidly evolving profession, and includes brand new chapters on the topics coaches need to understand in order to excel in the profession. This comprehensive book enables coaches to achieve personal excellence with a groundbreaking collection of best-practice material covering: setting up and running your coaching practice; transpersonal coaching; behavioural coaching; intercultural coaching; cognitive behavioural coaching; coaching and stress; NLP coaching; accreditation; evaluating coaching and appreciative inquiry.

Excellence in Coaching is essential reading for practising coaches as well as for anyone studying coaching through the ILM, coaching training, a Master`s course, or more generally as part of a psychology or business degree. If you only have one coaching book on your shelf, this is the one to have.

This second edition of Excellence in Coaching is part of the successful Association for Coaching series, which includes Psychometrics in Coaching, Diversity in Coaching and Leadership Coaching (all published by Kogan Page).

Contents: Introduction - Jonathan Passmore ¢ Part 1 The business of coaching ¢ What is coaching? - Frank Bresser and Carol Wilson ¢ Coaching: the new profession ¢ Defining coaching ¢ Coaching qualities, skills and competencies ¢ Coaching, counselling, psychotherapy and mentoring ¢ The benefits of coaching ¢ Coaching within organizations - Katherine Tulpa (illustrations by Phillip Cornwall) ¢ The need for the human touch ¢ Organizational coaching framework ¢ Building the business case ¢ Ensuring focus ¢ Creating alignment ¢ Contracting ¢ Delivering success ¢ Leveraging the coaching investment - Katherine Tulpa ¢ Introduction ¢ Strategic framework for leveraging external coaching ¢ Environment ¢ Defining the coaching requirements ¢ Coach selection and appointment ¢ Embedding best practice ¢ Engagement ¢ Considering external market trends ¢ Summary ¢ Setting up and running your coaching practice - Alex Szabo ¢ Planning for success ¢ Setting up a coaching practice ¢ Your operations ¢ Your financial management ¢ Sales and marketing ¢ Yourself ¢ Conclusions ¢ Part 2: Coaching models and approaches ¢ Behavioural coaching - the GROW model - Graham Alexander ¢ The GROW coaching model explained ¢ The GROW model ¢ When does the GROW model work best? ¢ Tools and techniques ¢ Ten key questions to guide your way ¢ Solution-focused coaching - Anthony M Grant ¢ The solution-focused coaching model explained ¢ Core characteristics of solution-focused coaching ¢ When does the solution-focused approach work best? ¢ Tools and techniques ¢ Strategic overview of a solution-focused coaching intervention ¢ Ten key questions to guide your way ¢ Summary ¢ Cognitive behavioural coaching - Michael Neenan ¢ The cognitive behavioural coaching model explained ¢ When does CBC work best? ¢ Tools and techniques ¢ Ten key questions to guide your way ¢ Conclusion ¢ NLP coaching - Ian McDermott ¢ The NLP coaching model explained ¢ When does NLP coaching work best? ¢ Tools and techniques ¢ Ten key questions to guide your way ¢ Summary ¢ Transpersonal coaching - John Whitmore and Hetty Einzig ¢ The transpersonal coaching model explained ¢ When does transpersonal coaching work best? ¢ Tools and techniques ¢ Ten key questions to guide your way ¢ Summary ¢ Appreciative coaching: pathway to flourishing - Ann L Clancy and Jacqueline Binkert ¢ Introduction ¢ The appreciative coaching model explained ¢ Positive methods underlying the appreciative coaching model ¢ When does appreciative coaching work best? ¢ Tools and techniques in action ¢ Conclusion ¢ Integrative coaching - Jonathan Passmore ¢ The integrative coaching model explained ¢ When does integrative coaching work best? ¢ Tools and techniques ¢ Ten key questions to guide your way ¢ Part 3: Coaching issues ¢ Intercultural coaching - Philippe Rosinski and Geoffrey Abbott ¢ Integrating culture into coaching ¢ Embracing diversity ¢ Leveraging alternative cultural perspectives ¢ The global coaching process ¢ Cross-cultural work in practice ¢ Conclusions ¢ Coaching and stress - Maria Alicia Pena and Cary L Cooper ¢ Why focus on stress? ¢ How can coaching help to manage stress? ¢ Managing stress: a comprehensive approach ¢ How can stress be prevented? ¢ Coaching ethics: integrity in the moment of choice - Allard de Jong ¢ Why are ethics important in coaching? ¢ What is meant by ethics? ¢ The foundations of ethical thinking ¢ Ethical principles that guide coaching practice ¢ Modern society and ˜new ethics` ¢ Ethical standards for coaching ¢ Ethical themes and scenarios from coaching ¢ Coaching supervision - Peter Hawkins ¢ What is supervision? ¢ Role and purpose of supervision ¢ Similarities and differences to counselling and psychotherapy supervision ¢ The stages in a supervision session ¢ The seven-eyed coaching supervision model ¢ Training as a coaching supervisor ¢ Evaluating coaching programmes - Alison Carter and David B Peterson ¢ Why evaluate? ¢ How to evaluate ¢ Pitfalls to avoid ¢ Cases in point ¢ Final thoughts ¢ Coach accreditation - Diane Brennan and Alison Whybrow ¢ Introduction ¢ The case for accreditation ¢ Coach accreditation: recent history and developing trends ¢ Understanding existing and emerging professional accreditation systems in the coaching space ¢ Coaching and coaching psychology ¢ Where to from here? ¢ Conclusion ¢ Appendix ¢ The Association for Coaching Index

About the Authors: About the Editor: Jonathan Passmore is one of the UK`s leading coaches. He is a chartered psychologist, an accredited coach, a coaching supervisor and fellow of the CIPD. He has wide business consulting experience having worked for PricewaterhouseCoopers, IBM Business Consulting and OPM, and as a chief executive and company chairman in the sports and leisure sector. He is based at the School of Psychology, University of East London, and is Director for the Coaching and Coaching Psychology programmes. He has published widely and is the author of several books including titles on the psychology of social networking and on organizational change, plus the five books in this series; Excellence in Coaching, Psychometrics in Coaching (2008), Diversity in Coaching (2009), Leadership in Coaching (2010) and Supervision in Coaching (2011). He can be contacted at: jonathanpassmore@yahoo.co.uk

Target Audience: Professionals in the management coaching training industry.
Special prices are applicable to the authorised sales territory only.
Prices are subject to change without prior notice. ISBN 9780749456672

Pages : 288
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