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  Literary Radicalism in India: Gender, Nation and the Transition to Independence

Literary Radicalism In India: Gender, Nation And The Transition To Independence

by Y Priyamvada Gopal

  Price : Rs 12240.00
  Your Price : Rs 10404.00
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  Book Summary of Literary Radicalism in India: Gender, Nation and the Transition to Independence
While most readers of contemporary Indian literature in English and in translation are familiar with the idea of "freedom at midnight," much less is known about the period of turbulent artistic and cultural transformation that characterised the years leading up to and following Independence in 1947. This study examines one the most influential - and yet relatively unexamined - literary movements in the twentieth century on the Indian subcontinent. Focussing on writers who were affiliated to the Progressive Writers Association during India`s transition from colony to nation, Literary Radicalism in India examines in detail some of the most important and controversial works of Indian literature.
Featuring historicised readings of the fiction, essays and films of such prominent figures as Rashid Jahan, Sajjad Zaheer Ismat Chungtai, Saadat Hasan Manto and Khwaja Ahmad Abbas, the book examines the connections between aesthetics and politics in the context of nation-formation in India and Pakistan. It argues thatgender, in this context, was not reducible to questions of `representing women` but that it was a constitutive point of "contestation" in the struggle to define `India`.
This thoroughly researched study is a must for all those interested in the impact of nationalism, feminism and social movements on literature, and provides a timely intervention into current debates about Marxism, nationalism and modernity.

Pages : 177
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