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  Leading Change Management

Leading Change Management

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  Leading Change Management presents a refreshingly realistic viewpoint of organizational change “ what it`s like, what it takes, how many diverse players are involved “ and argues that each change journey has the potential to be unique. What the book is really about is how most observers` mental models (or published models) of organizational change are overly simplistic. I could not agree more with its basic points.

Amy Edmondson, Novartis Professor of Leadership and Management, Harvard Business School

In a world replete with easy answers and facile slogans, this book recognizes that changing organizations is a complex, difficult business, and offers a practical model and some very useful examples and applications that will help the reader to beat the odds.

Steve Kerr, Senior Advisor to Goldman Sachs and former Head of Training and Development at Goldman Sachs and General Electric

Leading Change Management points out the complexities and subtleties required to make meaningful changes in today`s business environment. The ˜change framework` model provides a construct for formulating change and monitoring its progress, and demonstrates the skills critical to the success of a change leader. I recommend this book to anyone who may be called upon to act as a change agent.

Description: Popular wisdom suggests that about 80 percent of all change initiatives end in failure. More alarming still for top managers, a 2005 BusinessWeek survey of 1,087 corporate directors found that 31 percent of CEOs fired by their boards were removed becouse they mismanaged change “ more than any other reason given. Why is this happening and why do we need another book purporting to have the answer?

Herold and Fedor have spent the last ten years pursuing this question through a series of studies that have examined more than 300 organizational changes and over 8,000 individuals who have lived through them. They asked executives to think of an unsuccessful change initiative and to identify the key factors that were responsible for the failure. They found that, while almost all advice about organizational change focuses on a few steps applied to a single change, few people actually lived in a one change at a time environment; rather, they lived on a roller coaster of change, with overlapping changes being driven by different events, led by different executives, and originating from different parts of the organization.

In other words, change is never a stepwise or easily prescribed process. Rather, it is messy, complicated, and its outcomes are easily swayed by a host of factors. In this context, leaders need to develop and utilize realistic frameworks for organizational change. They need to implement a holistic change model that takes account of both the abilities of those who will be asked to lead and carry out the change and the context in which the change is to occur.

Herold and Fedor developed such a model and then reality-tested their ideas by bouncing them off hundreds of managers who were living change on a day-to-day basis. Those ideas are collected in this practical book, which will be of use to anyone who is likely to lead change initiatives in almost any organizational environment-from executives, to consultants, to management students.

Contents: Preface ¢ Acknowledgments ¢ The realities of change ¢ Reframing the change dilemma ¢ What is changing, and where? ¢ Leading others through change ¢ Leaders don`t all lead from the same place ¢ People`s motivation to change ¢ People`s capacity for change ¢ Change does not occur in a vacuum ¢ Putting the pieces together ¢ Smart change leaders “ they get it! ¢ Notes ¢ Index

About the Authors: David M. Herold, now professor emeritus, was the Gary T and Elizabeth R Jones Professor of manangement and area coordinator for organizational behavior and Human Resource Manaagement at the College of Management, Georgia Institute of Technology. His research has been published in the major management and psychology journals, and he is a popular educator with a variety of executive audience. He has consulted for many organizations, including Lockheed Martin Corp, NASA, Ford Motor Co, and the MITRE Corp.

Donald B Fedor is currently a Professor of Organizational Behavior in the College of Management at the Georgia Institute of Technology. He has worked with organizations such as General Motors, Milliken & Company, IBM, Corning and The March of Dimes, and has received research support from the National Science Foundation, the Army Research Institute, and the Institute for Paper Science and Technology.

Target Audience: Professionals involved in organizational change & academics & students of management.
Special prices are applicable to the authorised sales territory only.
Prices are subject to change without prior notice. ISBN 9780749455231

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