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  Microeconomic Theory Old and New: A Student`s Guide

Microeconomic Theory Old And New: A Student`S Guide

by John M. Gowdy

  Price : Rs 1050.00
  Your Price : Rs 892.50
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  Microeconomic Theory Old and New has two main goals. The first is to give advanced undergraduate and graduate students an understanding of the core model of economics: Walrasian general equilibrium theory. The text presents in detail the three building blocks of Walrasian theoryā€¯establishing Pareto efficiency in a barter economy, establishing the efficiency of competitive markets, and accounting for market failure

The second goal is to present contemporary extensions and emerging alternatives to the Walrasian model. Some of the theoretical inconsistencies in the model are presented, drawing on the work of Samuelson, Boadway, Chipman and Moore, Ng, and Suzumura, among others. The text then presents challenges to the basic assumptions of the Walrasian system, posed by findings in behavioral economics and evolutionary game theory.

Understanding both the Walrasian system and the theoretical and experimental critiques of classical economics is essential to those who ultimately work within the traditional framework and to those looking for an alternative, making this a must read for all students of economics.

The text focuses on the intellectual framework of standard economic theory
Mathematical techniques relevant to theory are discussed, thus supplementing theory
Discussions in the text are also supplemented by diagrams and equations, making them easier to grasp
After reading this book, students will have an understanding of how the seemingly disparate pieces of conventional economics fit together as a system

The text then presents challenges to the basic assumptions of the Walrasian system, posed by findings in behavioral economics and evolutionary game theory.

Understanding both the Walrasian system and the theoretical and experimental critiques of classical economics is essential to those who ultimately work within the traditional framework and to those looking for an alternative, making this a must read for all students of economics.

The text focuses on the intellectual framework of standard economic theory
Mathematical techniques relevant to theory are discussed, this supplementing theory
Discussions in the text are also supplemented by diagrams and equations, making them easier to grasp
After reading this book, students will have an understanding of how the seemingly disparate pieces of conventional economics fit together as a system.

ISBN :9788125042785

Pages : 204
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