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  A Handbook of Employee Reward Management & Practice, 2nd Edition

A Handbook Of Employee Reward Management & Practice, 2Nd Edition

by Michael Armstrong

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  Description: A Handbook of Employee Reward Management and Practice is the definitive guide for practitioners involved in developing and managing reward strategies, policies and procedures, and for students of employee reward. Aligned with the Chartered institute of Personnel and Development`s professional standards for employee reward, this book is an essential aid for students and lecturers as well as a practical guide for human resource and reward management professionals.

Covering the conceptual framework of reward management and its practical application, the book is packed with essential information on key theories and best practice for employee reward.

This new edition contains new research conducted by e-reward, as well as over 30 new best practice case examples, up-to-date guidance on current legislation, and brand new coverage of key topics such as engagement and commitment, bonus schemes and rewarding knowledge workers. A Handbook of Employee Reward Management and Practice is also an essential guide for CIPD students of employee reward as it is based on the unique experience of its author as former CIPD Chief Examiner in employee reward.

Contents: Part 1: The fundamentals of reward management ¢ Reward management an overview ¢ The context of reward management ¢ Total reward ¢ Strategic reward ¢ Developing and implementing reward strategy ¢ Reward policies Part 2: The conceptual framework ¢ Factors affecting pay levels ¢ Motivation and reward ¢ Engagement and organizational commitment ¢ The psychological contract ¢ Part 3: Establishing job values and relativities ¢ Job evaluation schemes ¢ Developing and maintaining job evaluation schemes ¢ Equal pay for work of equal value ¢ Equal pay reviews ¢ Market rate analysis ¢ Role analysis ¢ Part 4: Grade and pay structures ¢ Types of grade and pay structures ¢ Developing grade and pay structures ¢ Part 5: Rewarding and reviewing contribution and performance ¢ Individual contingent pay ¢ Bonus schemes ¢ Team pay ¢ Paying for organizational performance ¢ Recognition schemes ¢ Performance management and reward ¢ Part 6: Reward management for special groups ¢ Rewarding directors and senior executives ¢ International reward ¢ Rewarding sales and customer service staff ¢ Rewarding knowledge workers ¢ Shop floor pay ¢ Part 7: Employee benefits and pension schemes ¢ Employee benefits ¢ Flexible benefits ¢ Pension schemes ¢ Part 8: Reward management procedures ¢ Managing reward ¢ Responsibility for reward ¢ Index

About the Author: Michael Armstrong is an independent management consultant, Joint Managing Partner of e-reward, and former Chief Examiner for the Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development. He is the author of many internationally best-selling titles published by Kogan Page.

Target Audience: Students and academicians of management, management institutes, libraries, human resource professionals, management consultants, corporates, etc
Special prices are applicable to the authorised sales territory only.
Prices are subject to change without prior notice. ISBN 9788175543836

Pages : 560
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