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  The Secret of Childhood

The Secret Of Childhood

by Maria Montessori

  Price : Rs 775.00
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  Maria Montessori was convinced, from a lifetime of scientific observation, that there are laws of growth in the character and disposition of the child as marked as those in its physical life; that adults generally fail to appreciate these laws and force their own ideas on it. This results in the suppression of the child`s deepest drives and its mind is thrown into confusion. This often manifests itself in naughtiness, hysterical crying and sulking. A childhood so full of repression results in an adulthood full of complexes. Dr Montessori`s main thesis in this book is, in effect, `Find the secret of childhood`. It truly becomes the `Father of Man` and achieves a superior, saner psychological development. Maria Montessori`s revolutionary method of education was implemented long ago. Today, institutions practising her method still exist in all parts of the world. This book reaches out to a far wider readership, in fact to all those who care for the young and their development into well-adjusted adults.

ISBN :9788125038283

Pages : 200
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