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  	Experiential Marketing

Experiential Marketing

by Shaz Smilansky

  Price : Rs 395.00
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  Reviews: "Absolutely sound and fundamental description of how to do it and why, written in a great conversational style."

Vicky Slater, Strategic Group Head, Associate Director, MediaCom

"Shaz Smilanky is without doubt one of the leading experts in the field of experiential marketing, and she offers advice that is both innovative and practical."

Camilla Barnard, Director, Rude Health

"Shaz Smilansky clearly has a real understanding of experiential marketing based on practical, applied knowledge from delivering impactful experiential campaigns. A ˜how to` for anyone seeking to connect their brands and their target market effectively."

Mike Atkinson, Head of Commercial Insight, Adams plc.

"Shaz identifies the new challenges facing marketers: the landscape has changed, and consumers` relationships with brands have moved on. This book explores how an experiential approach offers us a depth of engagement with consumers that can drive long-term brand value.

James Penfold, Consumer Insight Manager, Kerry Foods

"Shaz has put together step-by-step guide to experiential marketing that delivers an in-depth understanding of the medium and a fantastically practical ˜how to` book."

Kevin Jackson, Sales and Marketing Director, Jack Morton Worldwide

Description: Experiential marketing is predicated to be one of the biggest growth areas within marketing over the next five years“and many organizations are beginning to adopt an experiential marketing orientation, placing live brand experiences at the core of their overall marketing strategies.

This innovative form of marketing will become key to brands who strive to engage their customers, and Experiential Marketing will be essential in showing companies the way forward. In addition to numerous high-profile interviews and international case studies, the book includes coverage on:

¢ The benefits of an experiential marketing approach

¢ Outsourcing versus in-house marketing

¢ Setting objectives

¢ The target audience

¢ Bringing the message to life

¢ Experiential strategies

¢ Selecting locations and brand ambassadors

¢ Gauging effectiveness

¢ Measurement, evaluation and LROI

Consumers are constantly inundated with repetitive traditional advertising messages which bombard their consciousness, interrupt their TV shows and get in the way of their everyday lives. Often, the consumer does not feel any real emotional connection with these brands “ and if they do buy, it is simply because the brand that shouted the loudest got their attention. This outdated approach to marketing communications is dying, and fast.

This engaging new title is a practical guide to experiential marketing, a methodology that is revolutionizing the face of marketing as we know it. Experiential marketing campaigns are geared around live brand experiences “ two-way communications between consumers and brands, which bring brand personalities to life and develop long-lasting relationships with target audiences. Experiential Marketing explores this new era in marketing communication, which gives customers a fabulous brand- relevant experience designed to add value to their lives and ultimately increases customer brand loyalty.

This book demonstrates how experiential marketing fits in with the current marketing climate, and it explains how to go about planning, activating and evaluating it for best results. Including interviews and international case studies demonstrating successful experiential marketing campaigns, it is essential reading for marketing, business, advertising and media professionals, as well as for marketing students.

Contents: Introduction ¢ Why experiential?: The context “ marketing communication ¢ What is experiential marketing ¢ Traditional approaches are losing effectiveness ¢ Experiential marketing “ a differentiator ¢ The benefits ¢ Criticisms “ fact and fiction ¢ What level of resources? ¢ A shift in awareness ¢ Outsourcing VS in House: In-house ¢ Outsourcing to your media or full-service agency ¢ Working with a PR agency ¢ Working with a sales promotion agency ¢ Better: How do you use BETTER? ¢ IDEA: Using IDEA ¢ Choosing the idea ¢ Situation and background: SET MESSAGE ¢ Situation and background¢ Experiential Objectives: Examples of experiential marketing campaigns ¢ Target Audiences: Analyzing target audiences ¢ Message“key communication: Bringing the message to life ¢ Experiential Strategy: STRATEGIES ¢ Integrating the selected elements to form the experiential strategy ¢ Scenarios ¢ Make the experience memorable and ongoing ¢ Selected Locations and Brand Ambassadors: Choosing locations ¢ Examples of live brand experience locations ¢ Live brand experience are like theatre productions ¢ Brand ambassador selection ¢ Recruiting brand ambassadors ¢ Systems and Mechanisms for Measurement: How much to spend on measurement ¢ Action: Contents of the action plan ¢ Gauging effectiveness: Systems and mechanisms for measurement and how they enable Gauging effectiveness ¢ Real-time reporting and online client access pages ¢ Flexibility and change management solutions ¢ Evaluation: Introduction ¢ The written evaluation section ¢ The campaign evaluation (post-campaign) ¢ Interviews ¢ International case studies ¢ Conclusion

About the Author: Shaz Smilansky is co-founder and director of the award-winning experiential marketing agency Blazinstar Experiential. Shaz resides in London, England, with her long-term partner Marvin Foster. Together they founded Blazinstar over six years ago and currently run the agency in Farringdon-a creative mecca in the City. Blazinstar provides innovative, creative campaigns for clients such as Nestle, 3, Calvin Klein, ITV, MediaCom, Palm, and many more.

She also sits on the advisory board of the EMF, the internationally recognized Experiential Marketing Forum. Having made several appearances on the BBC and in national and trade press in the United Kingdom, Smilansky is a widely recognized figure in experiential marketing.

Target Audience: Marketing and brand professionals, product manager, students and academics of marketing.
Special prices are applicable to the authorised sales territory only.
Prices are subject to change without prior notice. ISBN 9780749457167

Pages : 272
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