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  India`s National Security : Annual Review 2010

India`S National Security : Annual Review 2010

by Satish Kumar

  Price : Rs 995.00
  Your Price : Rs 845.75
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  Book Summary of India`s national security
This, the tenth volume in the series India`s National Security: Annual Review, comprehensively assesses India`s security profile with regards to internal as well as external threats, especially in the context of the country emerging as a global power.

The book opens with a pithy and insightful analysis of the security environment and in the next section goes on to present an overview of neighbouring hotspots such as Iran, Afghanistan, Myanmar, Sri Lanka and Nepal. The essays in this volume discuss various issues such as the threat from China and Pakistan, the strong relationship India shares with Russia, and the notable presence of India in the Asia-Pacific region. Measures taken to strengthen the security infrastructure and its evolution have been dealt with in detail. The second part of the book deals with the security challenges India faces, both traditional (missile race, unstable nuclear environment in the region) and non-traditional (climate change, water scarcity). Other sections focus on India`s policy with regard to the NPT, CTBT, FMCT and the nation`s relationship with Africa, Asia and Latin America. India`s economy, although flourishing due to achievements on macro-economic indices, remains the cause of the nation`s overall weakness. A survey of the evolving national security system at the apex level closes this section.

An added feature is the updated National Security Index of the 50 top countries. A comprehensive survey of major international events of 2009 concludes this significant work on the very crucial and current topic of India`s security scenario.

About the Author
Professor Satish Kumar, former Professor of Diplomacy at Jawaharlal Nehru University, New Delhi and currently the Director, Foundation for National Security Research, is among the most eminent Indian scholars in the field of International Relations.

Pages : 520
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