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  Sharing with Parashar (KP)

Sharing With Parashar (Kp)

by Rajeshwaari Shanker

  Price : Rs 440.00
  Your Price : Rs 440.00
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  Condensed from the Prologue of the book: There has been a continuous pressure from the astrological circles to share the experiences, techniques of predictions, moderations and findings in our research work for the last 32 years. The fruitful discussion had taken shape in the editorials or lead articles published mostly in The Times of Astrology Magazine. However, we feel that the individual sojourn in bits and pieces through this material spread over the period of our continuous editorship of The Times of Astrology and other magazines for the last 10 years or so, would land even the highly intelligent reader into a soup to find out the composite scheme of predictive Astrology. Certainly, it would be more beneficial to all the readers and researchers in the field of Astrology, if all such material culled out from most of the above referred articulations is again compiled, reproduced and presented in a book form that could be not only handy but also reader-friendly in its entirety.

The last32 years` endeavour revealed before us that the material available now in the classics of Indian Astrology such as work of seers Parashar, Bhrigu, Jaimini and Acharyas such as Varahmihir, Mantreswar, Mahadeo, Kalidas, Ramanuj etc., address the principles of Predictive Astrology in a very general manner that can lead an astrologer to make general type of predictions only and not specific events and aspects of life with accuracy in time frame. Every astrologer is free to strive to step up the higher echelons on accurate predictive astrology that is certainly routed through stellar understanding only, initially propounded by late Prof. K S Krishnamurti and modified by many other eminent scholars from time to time till now. K Baskaran of Madurai is doing further a good work on this to make the scheme of Astrology very apparent about accurate unique predictions` dependence on preferential treatment of Bhavas in comparison to planets as per general astrology. This book, we are sure, would take the readers in that arena itself. ~the Authors

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