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  Pakistan Occupied Kashmir: Constitutional Status and Political Reality

Pakistan Occupied Kashmir: Constitutional Status And Political Reality

by Mm Alam And Ak Bali

  Price : Rs 630.00
  Your Price : Rs 598.50
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  After passing more than six decades, the Government of Pakistan has yet to evolve and ensure a credible constitutional status and democratic process in Pakistan Occupied Kashmir. On the contrary, Islamabad has adopted a hegemonic as well as a neo-colonial policy towards entire POK region. The book is designed to present the complete picture of various policies adopted by the government of Pakistan towards `Azad` Jammu and Kashmir and Gilgit-Baltistan. Moreover, an attempt has been made to examine the significance of the study due to various reasons like `Azad` Jammu and Kashmir in principle is an autonomous entity having a President, Prime Minister, Parliament and Constitution, but in practice it is kept in suspended animation. As a result, autonomy and self-governance like proposals mooted by Pakistan for `AJK` appear ridiculous.

Another important issue "is related to the annexation of Gilgit-Baltistan by the government of Pakistan in 1948. When British rule came to an end in 1947, the region was conquered by Pakistan with the help of tribal. Before 1948, this area which the then Maharaja of Jammu and Kashmir had given on lease to the British since 1935 in order to enable the British to keep a watch on the developments in Xinjiang and Afghanistan, used to be known as the Northern-Areas of Jammu and Kashmir. In Gilgit-Baltistan, the people are mostly Shia Muslims and they have maintained their traditional way of life totally distinct from the peoples of `AJK` and Pakistan. It is administered and controlled directly by Islamabad. But the people of GilgitBaltistan have been deprived from basic political and civil-rights.

In fact, people in both `AJK` and Gilgit-Baltistan do not enjoy the similar rights. The people from `AJK` enjoyed some social and political rights and have been ruled with the iron fist, but on the other hand in Gilgit-Baltistan the position of the people is very worse. Some Pakistan human rights activists called it a colony of Pakistan. ‘Empowerment Act’ granted to the people of Gilgit-Baltistan is totally illegal and holds no ground at all because Gilgit-Baltistan does not fall under the constitution of Pakistan.

This book is an effort to understand various policies adopted by Pakistan towards `AJK` and Gilgit-Baltistan to retain its control. It is hoped, this book will raise further questions and debate.

ISBN - 9788170951224

Pages : 330
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