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  The Buddha in Daily Life: An Introduction to the Buddhism of Nichiren (Paperback)

The Buddha In Daily Life: An Introduction To The Buddhism Of Nichiren (Paperback)

by Richard Causton

  Price : Rs 599.00
  Your Price : Rs 479.20
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  Nichiren Daishonin Buddhism encourages the belief that, through its faith and practices, spiritual and material blessings and benefits can be available to everyone in this life. Needs can be met, and success achieved, not merely for oneself but for others (and the world) through dedication to the Lotus Sutra, a central teaching of Buddhism. It combines these personal objectives with the commitment to world peace, ecology and the easing of suffering, especially, AIDS. Attracting such well known followers as Jeff Banks, Sandie Shaw Tina Turner and Roberto Baggio, Nichiren Daishonin Buddhism is rooted in a Buddhist tradition going back to the teachings of Nichiren in the 13th century, and is part of an international movement based in Japan.

ISBN : 9780712674560

Pages : 304
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