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  	 Plant Maintenance and Reliability Engineering  Edition :1

Plant Maintenance And Reliability Engineering Edition :1

by Raju

  Price : Rs 315.00
  Your Price : Rs 267.75
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  Plant Maintenance and Reliability Engineering provides both theoretical and practical knowledge together with the latest technological concepts and research in the field. The topics covered in this book are an integral part of the syllabi in most of the universities in India and meet the requirements of the course plant maintenance and reliability engineering taught in mechanical engineering and all allied branches.
This book aims at providing the readers an insight into the working and maintenance of plant equipment and machinery. The text substantially deals with the emerging issues faced by plant engineers on a day-to-day basis and discusses the measures to address such issues. This book emphasises on the safety of workplace and workers and discusses the increasing role of plant managers in the corporate management. This text is precise, systematic, and uses an easy-to-understand language and is enriched with several illustrative examples. ISBN 9788131514696

Pages : 437
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