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  Harold E. Palmer: From Learner-Teacher to Legend (HB)

Harold E. Palmer: From Learner-Teacher To Legend (Hb)

by Makhan L. Tickoo

  Price : Rs 2035.00
  Your Price : Rs 1729.75
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  The book is a biography of the eminent British linguist and phonetician, Harold E. Palmer. It views Palmer at work through the 47 years of his creative efforts”with their vast range and, for their day, amazing newness and depth. It also raises hitherto unraised, partially raised or misrepresented issues that arise in looking for the the sources and supports of his major discoveries ad seeks to highlight the true nature of the additions and enhancements he made to give it theoretical fecundity and, more significantly, practical power and prescience inside a fruitful linguistic pedagogy. In two separate but inter-animating parts, the book first discusses the four major phases of his working life in a chronological order and also studies his contributions to English grammar”its theory and pedagogic practice, to the sound system of English and its intonation, to the study, selection and use of English vocabulary in language teaching and in learner-oriented lexicography and to language curricula and language teaching methodology and materials. The author brings into focus a lot of issues in ELT that Palmer had raised and which are relevant even today, especially in the context of Asian ELT.

ISBN :9788125034322

Pages : 432
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