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  Case Studies in Marketing Management

Case Studies In Marketing Management

by S. Ramesh Kumar

  Price : Rs 700.00
  Your Price : Rs 574.00
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  Emerging markets have generated tremendous interest among practitioners as well as academics throughout the world. The Indian context”with its diversity of cultures, luxury markets, huge population of consumers at the lower strata of economy, a youth population that is greater than most countries in the world and the impact of westernization”poses certain marketing challenges that are even more complex than those that are generally associated with emerging markets in general. Students of management are expected to be well aware of the unique challenges of these markets when they go through any management program.

Case Studies in Marketing Management provides a rich set of cases that are structured to be compatible with any textbook in the basic marketing course. Several cases are drawn from the renowned Ivey Business Case collection in discussion with Prof. Paul Beamish, based on his intricate understanding of the emerging markets, and the editor`s rich academic experience with regard to the Indian context. The cases were selected specifically to blend theory with practice, with a difficulty level that encourages effective comprehension of the issues involved. The Indian cases added to the collection illustrate the finer aspects that a management student needs to be aware of while dealing with the Indian context.

Indian business schools have suffered a dearth of Indian cases, especially ones that offer consumer insights that challenge students. This book fills this lacuna with a number of real-life cases on the Indian context, allowing students to appreciate and compare the different challenges that marketers face the emerging Indian scenario. ISBN 9788131761397

Pages : 392
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