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  Channel Analysis : The Trader`s Key to Share Price Prediction

Channel Analysis : The Trader`S Key To Share Price Prediction

by Brian J. Millard

  Price : Rs 495.00
  Your Price : Rs 460.35
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  How to Make Money by Predicting Share Pricing through Channel Analysis

A part of share price movement is, indeed, random and therefore unpredictable. However, some identifiable cycles are also present in share price data. This book shows how channel analysis can be used to determine the positions of such cycles, thus providing investors and traders a most powerful prediction tool for forecasting share prices and identifying profitable buying and selling opportunities in the near future.

Channel analysis enables traders to:

Understand the nature of share price movement

Analyse trends in share prices

Isolate price trends from complex movement

Identify the start and end of trends quickly

Predict future share price movements

Identify the cycles present in share price data

Profit from the relationship between moving averages and channels

Identify turning points in share averages for greater profit potential

Rapidly scan a pool of 50 to 100 shares for new opportunities

Select the right stop-loss methods to use as added insurance against extreme random movements.

Brian Millard is widely acknowledged as having taken forward the work of J. M. Hurst to a higher level by analysing the cycles present in price movements. This classic text shows how traders can use channel analysis to predict share prices, thus unlocking the key to making money in the markets.

ISBN - 9788170948094

Pages : 260
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