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Optics And Spectroscopy

by Murugeshan,R.

  Price : Rs 380.00
  Your Price : Rs 334.40
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  Description: The book has been thorougly revised and enlarged keeping in mind the latest syllabi of UGC, New Delhi, 2001. The complete course in "Optics", as suggested in the UGC Model Curriculum for B.Sc Physics . This book has been written for the students of B.Sc., Physics of various Universities. The book covers the syllabi, prescribed by Madras, Bharathiyar, Bharathidhasan, Madurai Kamraj and Manonmaniam Sundaranar Universities. SI Systems of Units has been throughout the text. Proper care has been taken in dealing with the subject with modern outlook. A large number of questions and problems have been given at the end of each chapter.
Contents: 1.Geometrical Optics 2. Interface 3. Diffraction 4. Polarisation of Light 5. Spectroscopy 6. Matrix Method in Paraxial Optics 7. Coherence 8.Fibre Optics 9. Holography 10. Elecromagnetic Waves 11. Dispersion and Scattering 12. Lasers 13. Interface -II 14. Fourier Transforms and Applications 15. Diffraction of Light -III 16. Polarisation -II 17. Fermat`s Principle 18. Huygens` Principle and Its Applications 19.Classical and Modern Geometrical Optics 20. Interface and Diffraction of Light 21. Doppler Effect in Light and Its application 22. Cornu`s Spiral 23. Lasers II 24. Rainbow 25. Megneto -Optics and Electro Optics 26. Non Linear Optics 27. Fiber Optics -II 28. Holography -II 29. Interference -III 30. Diffraction of Light (IV) 31. Polarisation of Light (III) 32. Twyman and Green Interferometer 33. Crystal Optics 34. Chauchy`s Dispersion Formulae 35. Optical Activity 36. Geometrical Optics -II 37. Interference of Light-IV 38. The Echelon Grating 39. Laser in Industry 40. Photonics 41. Fibre Optic Sensors 42. Fibre Characteristics 43. Optical Fibre 44. Fibre Losses 45. Dispersion in Optical Fibres 46. Optical Fibre Communication System ISBN 8121914418

Pages : 503
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