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  High Availability and Disaster Recovery Options for DB2 on Linux, UNIX, and Windows

High Availability And Disaster Recovery Options For Db2 On Linux, Unix, And Windows

by Toshihiko Kubo, Paul Descovich, Yong Jun Bi, Selvaprabhu Arumuggharaj, Masafumi Otsuki, Whei-Jen Chen

  Price : Rs 1325.00
  Your Price : Rs 1126.25
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  As organizations strive to do more with less, IBMa® DB2a® for Linuxa®, UNIXa®, and Windowsa® provides various built-in high availability features. DB2 further provides high availability solutions by leveraging enterprise system resources with broad support for clustering software such as HACMPa„¢, TSA, and Microsofta® Windows Cluster Server.

This IBM Redbooksa® publication describes DB2`s high availability functions and features, focusing on High Availability Disaster Recovery (HADR) in the OLTP environment. The book provides a detailed discussion of HADR, including setup, configuration. administration, monitoring, and best practices.

We explain how to configure cluster software HACMP, TSA, and MSCS with DB2 and show how to use these products to automate HADR takeover.

DB2 also provides unprecedented enterprise-class disaster recovery capability. This book covers single system view backup, backup and restore with snapshot backup, as well as the db2recovery command, in detail.ISBN 9789350233641

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