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  KASHMIR: CONTESTED IDENTITY - Closed Systems, Open Choices

Kashmir: Contested Identity - Closed Systems, Open Choices

by Ashok Kaul

  Price : Rs 750.00
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  The book unfolds the subjectivity of estrangement in the consensus social history of Kashmir. In a derivative discourse, it traces the origins of its contemporary cultural assemblage, its rupture and then loss of nativity with the history of subjugations. The Quit Kashmir Movement, prompted by the National Movement, was an assertion to regain the nativity after centuries in a secular, democratic India. Since independence came with the fragmentation of culture, it turned into a binary hostility with Pakistan. The Cold War polemics mystified Kashmir with illusions and mythical referents that did not allow institutions to strike roots. The wash off effects of development produced a new rich class, which sought legitimacy in power and share in resources through disempowerment of politics. Prompted by the process of excessive democratization, it set its agenda on confessional referent. And, with the demise of the Cold War, Kashmir got linked with the Counter World Order Project bringing enormous loss of human lives, exodus of minority community and further fragmentation of its society. In post-September 11 world order, the disillusionments in flawed leadership have brought ailment to its society with fractured nativity.

The author treats Kashmir ailment beyond politics of identity and a political dispute between India and Pakistan. Its estrangement is historical in nature and needs remedies not in compartmentalization of confessional religion but evolutionary cultural capital resurgence through empowerment of politics in a holistic paradigm.

ISBN - 9788131604366

Pages : 272
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