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  73 Ways To Help Your Baby Sleep

73 Ways To Help Your Baby Sleep

by Ann Treistman , Marianne E. Felice

  Price : Rs 919.00
  Your Price : Rs 919.00
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  Tackles the single most important issue for new parents in a fresh, accessible way
The perfect gift for new parents
As every exhausted new parent knows (and it goes without saying that every new parent is exhausted), it takes a full bag of tricks to get more than three consecutive hours of shut-eye from your little bundle of joy. So Ann Treistmanherself the mother of twocompiled 73 simple techniques for sending your infant off to Dreamland. These baby-tested tips will be manna from heaven to sleep-deprived moms and dads. Heres a sampling:
"Dim the Lights". Some babies like to sleep in complete darkness; others like low light. So consider installing a dimmer switch in the nursery.
"Swaddle Him with Love". Wrapping your baby snugly comforts himas if you were holding him tight.
"Twenty to Go". It typically takes a baby about 20 minutes to go from waking to sleep. Give her a chance to get there.
"Warm the Bed". Use a hot water bottle (but dont leave it in the crib), or toss your babys blanket in the dryer for a few minutes before bedtime.
Designed for definite gift appeal, "73 Ways to Help Your Baby Sleep" is illustrated with the cutest color photos of slumbering babies ever published. All the advice is compatible with current parenting wisdom, and a foreword is provided by Dr. Marianne Felice, head of pediatrics at UMass Medical.isbn-9781584796251

Pages : 144
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