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  Getting Your Point Across, 3/e

Getting Your Point Across, 3/E

by Phillip Khan Panni

  Price : Rs 195.00
  Your Price : Rs 195.00
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  Have you ever made a presentation and noticed that some in your audience were not listening? Ever had a conversation with a person who kept looking over your shoulder for someone more interesting? Ever tried to make your point in a meeting, only for the
chair to cut you off before you had finished? If anything like that has ever happened to you, you need this book.
Getting your point across quickly and effectively is a skill that will get you noticed and give you the competitive edge in business. It will make you more interesting, give you the high ground in group discussions, gain you the respect and even the admiration of your peers.
Forget ˜the gift of the gab`. Learn how to transform yourself into a compelling speaker. Discover how to put your message across in a way that makes others want to hear it. This book will uncover the secrets of powerful communication.isbn-9780230636217

Pages : 208
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