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  Kaplan New GRE Premier With CD-ROM [2011-2012 Edition]

Kaplan New Gre Premier With Cd-Rom [2011-2012 Edition]

by Kaplan

  Price : Rs 1125.00
  Your Price : Rs 1125.00
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  New GRE 2011-2012 Premier with CD-ROM is a comprehensive package that includes a book, CD-ROM, and online companion with in-depth strategies, test information, and practice questions to help students score higher on the new GRE Revised General Test. New GRE 2011-2012 Premier with CD-ROM is fully updated and revised with 75 percent all-new content covering the revised and expanded Verbal, Quantitative, and Analytical Writing Assessment Test sections, including 50 percent new practice questions and brand new strategies for each of the new question types.

New GRE 2011-2012 Premier with CD-ROM features:

6 full-length practice tests (1 in the book, 5 online)
400 practice questions and answer explanations on the CD-ROM
A detailed overview of the test changes
Key strategies for all New GRE question types
Details and practice sets for the Verbal and Quantitative sections
Diagnostic tool in end-of-chapter practice sets for even more targeted practice
Advice for the graduate school application process

ISBN - 9781607148494

Pages : 575
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