This third edition is a revised and expanded version of Winston and Horn`s best-selling introduction to the LIPS programming language and to LISP-based applications, many of which are possible as a result of advances in Artificial Intelligence technology. The new edition retains the broad coverage of previous editions that has made this book popular both with beginners and with more advanced readers”coverage ranging from the basics of the language to detailed examples showing LISP in practice. Based on the COMMON LISP`s object system. CLOS, and the productivity”promoting techniques enabled by object-oriented programming. Supporting software is available for readers who wish to augment their learning through interactive experiments. The supporting software includes an interpreter for the essential core of CLOS. Application examples drawn from expert systems, natural language interfaces, and symbolic mathematics are featured, and new applications dealing with probability bounds, project simulations, and visual object recognition are introduced. As in the second edition, key problem solving paradigms, such as search, forward chaining, and problem reduction are explained. This new edition adds a discussion of constraint propagation, backward chaining, and key ideas in PROLOG. There is also more emphasis on procedure and data abstraction, and other points of programming style and practice, along with new explanations of such topic as clichAs, mapping, streams, delayed evaluation, and techniques for better and faster procedure definition. isbn-8177580698