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  The World of Benjamin Cardozo, (First Indian Reprint)

The World Of Benjamin Cardozo, (First Indian Reprint)

by Polenberg Richard

  Price : Rs 375.00
  Your Price : Rs 326.25
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  ``The sordid controversies of Litigants.`` Benjamin Cardozo once said, are ``the stuff from which great and shining truths will ultimately be shaped.`` As one of America`s most influential judges, first on New York State`s Court of Appeals and then on the United States Supreme Court, Cardozo (1870-1938) oversaw this transformation daily. How he arrived at his rulings, with their far-reaching consequences, becomes clear in this book, the first to explore the connections between Benjamin Cardozo`s life and his jurisprudence.
``In The World of Benjamin Cardozo, an entertaining contribution to the literature of Cardozo revisionism, Richard Polenberg combunes biographical exploration with a reconstruction of the facts of some of Cardozo`s most salacious cases... By creatively combining biographical and judicial excavation, polenberg shows us that cardozo was a hopeless moralist as well, one who was reluctant to second-guess the morals of his age.``
-Edward Hower, New York Times Book Review
``The World of Benjamin Cardozo is a very impressive, pathbreaking account involving one of the most important judicial figures in American law. Polenberg offers a scrupulously researched, balanced, and yet iconoclastic account. The book does a beautiful job of interweaving biographical details of the life of Cardozo, a confirmed isolate, with his struggle to be detached and scientific about the law. Through its rich sampling of biographical details combined with brief, but still often deep, visits to a number of key areas of doctrinal development, this book fleshes out a vital, enduring dilemma about judging. It is original and important, and its style is wonderfully accessible to an audience beyond lawyers, though it ought to have a very broad redership among those educated in law. The book is unusually well written and provocative in the very best sense.``

ISBN : 9789350351338

Pages : 303
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