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  Changing Children`S Behavior By Changing The People, Places, And Activities In Their Lives

Changing Children`S Behavior By Changing The People, Places, And Activities In Their Lives

by Richard L Munger

  Price : Rs 250.00
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  Written by a practicing child psychologist, this book shows that the behaviour of all children is environment centric. It discusses how the environment around children in which a they live, play and study are more important than personality in shaping their behaviour and contribute in constructing it for good or bad. Hence, making changes in the people, places, and activities in a child`s life can have profound effects on his or her behaviour.

In the book, the reader will find ten behaviour settings in which children and adolescents spend most of their time “ home, neighbourhood, school, after-school, electronic media TV, computer and other media), friends, work, faith, recreation and leisure, and sports. These settings and the presence of interesting, challenging activities and adult mentors in them can make a big difference in helping children develop into motivated, compassionate, and competent adults. For example, the same child who flounders in a big school with academic, athletic, and activity opportunities limited to an elite group of students may flourish if enrolled in a small school, form a band or drama club, etc.

The readers will also find a quiz at the end of each chapter with the help of which they can develop and analyze a profile of a child`s environmental strengths and weaknesses and then make suggestions to improve them. Also given are the research findings about the impact of the ten environments on children`s lives.

An invaluable guide to parents, educationists, child psychologists, teachers and researchers.isbn-9788120331785

Pages : 296
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