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  Stategic Approach on Service Quality Management in Rural Banking

Stategic Approach On Service Quality Management In Rural Banking

by A. Arulraj & A Ananth

  Price : Rs 395.00
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The book is very useful to the academician and practitioner of the banking industry because, in the aftermath of globalization, the operating environment for Indian banking industry has become more dynamic and competitive. In search of competitive advantage, banks are placing more focus on service quality. As the banks compete in the market place with generally undifferentiated products, service quality becomes a primary competitive weapon. The book focused on Macro Economic Indicators in Banking Sector in India, Service Quality on Banking, Service Quality of Rural Banking and Strategic Approach on Service Quality in Rural places. The authors especially deal with Bayesian Approach in Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) for the scientific approach to measure the Banking Service Quality in Rural Places. This book is aims to explore the perception of the customer on CSR in banking service. The data were analyzed by modeling it using Structural Equation Modelling (SEM) using AMOS 18 and found that customer satisfaction is the mediating factor for banking service quality and the CSR is the most influential factor to the customer satisfaction. The study utilized the primary data collected from the district of Nagapattinam in Tamilnadu. The reason behind the area chosen is a well-known fact that during the Tsunami in the year 2004 the worst hit district in India is the district of Nagapattinam in Tamilnadu where more than 8000 people lost their life. The Tsunami overnight left many young women as widows and children as orphans.Another 200,000 people were affected in the district. Using a structured questionnaire the data are collected.Finally the regression model is proved that, how the CSR is most influential factor to the customer satisfaction in rural banking. The book concludes the rural service quality management in banking sectors will transform an economic development of Tamilnadu.

ISBN : 9788183874618

Pages : 113
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