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  Management of Sustainable Development in India

Management Of Sustainable Development In India

by J.R. Arora & Arati Basu

  Price : Rs 1500.00
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  The book is an outcome of the initiative of New Delhi Institute of Management, New Delhi in conducting a national conference on Management of Sustainable Development in India held on 1-2 April, 2011. In earlier centuries, economic growth was perused all over the world without any considerations of environmental protection or stability of developmental process. This mindless pursuit of material prosperity has caused a great impasse for the globe in this century. Now the very existence of the globe is challenged unless we change every aspect of our living and life style. The recession of 2008-09 and its aftermath which is still continuing, taught the world the value of financial discipline - one vital aspect of sustainable Development. Those countries which are trapped in financial indiscipline of living beyond their means are unable to find corrective policies till now. Their ill conceived policies are threats not only to their own countries but posing potential problems for the global economic stability. The management of sustainability is a contemporary issue taken up all over the world in all forums of the society. The Sustainability of Development has multiple dimensions and each with specific management challenges. In the last century, the sustainability of development was perceived as triple bottom line Social, economic and environmental: the people, planet, profit. Developing on the concept, now Scholars, Educationists and experts from the corporate of the public and private sectors are engaged to evolve strategies for environmental preservation, redressing inequities, achieving a more dynamic and stable world economy along with faster economic growth. Perusing sustainability with all its ramifications is no more a choice but compulsion for all specially for India- a country aiming to fulfill dreams of more than a billion of population. The book is one of the major efforts to analyze the various aspects of management issues in the Context of Sustainability of Development. Challenges of management of sustainability are many and can be pursued only in the environment of proactive Govt., Participatory Society and the committed Corporate Sector. Basic facets of sustainability are financial discipline, inclusive culture and innovation towards green technology. Management issues are building up the effective knowledge Management, Creating team spirit and inclusive growth through rural development This definitely calls for changes in the management styles of all the functional areas. The book is thematically organized into four part comprising of thirty-six papers dealing the management issues of sustain ability as follows Development ¢ Challenges of Sustainability: Infrastructure, Entrepreneurship Development, Technology & General Economic ¢ Dynamics of Finance & Sustainable Development ¢ Human Resource Management in sustainability of Development ¢ Dynamics of Marketing & Sustainable Development This book is a valuable contribution toward contemporary and well debated issues through the research works of academia and practitioners of the corporate and policy makers. ISBN : 9788189630416

Pages : 321
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