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  Teaching Children English - An Activity Based Training Course

Teaching Children English - An Activity Based Training Course

by David Vale & Anne Feunteun

  Price : Rs 340.00
  Your Price : Rs 278.80
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  Teaching Children English focuses on an activity-based approach to teaching young learners aged seven years and over. It examines the educational and linguistic needs of children and provides an overview of appropriate classroom techniques. It highlights the importance of effective classroom management and organisation and supports teachers in the management of classroom resources. It provides extensive practice in lesson planning in terms of language aims. There are ten chapters each dealing with a specific aspect of teaching methodology and classroom practice. Each chapter has a theme-based approach for the task content and includes stories, rhymes, songs, practical tasks and language tasks. Methodology and classroom practice issues are related to these themes - examples include festivals, animals, storytelling and measuring.isbn-9781107400054

Pages : 286
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