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  Psychological Dimesnions of Juvenile Delinquency

Psychological Dimesnions Of Juvenile Delinquency

by Rishi Pal

  Price : Rs 695.00
  Your Price : Rs 695.00
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  Juvenile delinquency is one of the major psycho-social problems of behaviour deviation resulting from emotionless and non caring upaperbackringing of the children. It is believed to be the widest gateway to crime. That at is why,, a comprehensive study of delinquency is essential in order to prevent or reduce criminality. This is book fills in that gap. It attempts to examine some important psychological dimensions of juvenile delinquency such as self-image, emotional competence, cognitive style and the locus of control among different kinds of delinquents. A comparison is also made of different psychological dimensions of the juvenile delinquents with those of the normal children to delineate the psychological factors related to the development of maladaptive or delinquent behaviour in the juveniles.

ISBN - 9789350180181

Pages : 170
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