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  Multimedia Communications

Multimedia Communications

by Krishna Kumar

  Price : Rs 335.00
  Your Price : Rs 274.70
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  Multimedia communication is a subject discussing communication of different media. In other communication subjects like mobile communication, wireless communication, microwave communication etc, we concentrate on the methods of transmitting and receiving signals, whereas in multimedia communication, we rather discuss the contents of the signal or the information contained in the signal. Hence this subject is different from other communication subjects. This can be taught for post graduate or senior under graduate levels. The text assumes a minimum of prerequisites, as most of the concepts are developed therein. The book is organized in three parts. Part I deals with components of multimedia, text, image, video and digital sound. Part II comprises of compression techniques both lossless and lossy methods. Part III contains standards for multimedia like JPEG for still images and MPEG for video.
For Sale in Indian subcontinent only ISBN 9788131732380

Pages : 360
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