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  Empowerment of Adolescent Girls in India: Perspective, Issues and Approaches

Empowerment Of Adolescent Girls In India: Perspective, Issues And Approaches

by Awadhesh Kumar Singh, Shiv Pujan Pandey, Atul Pratap Singh

  Price : Rs 1400.00
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  Adolescents account for one fifth of the worlds population and have been on an increasing trend. In India, they account for less than one fourth of the population. Adolescents have very special and distinct needs, which can no longer be overlooked. It is also essential to invest in adolescents, as they are the future of the country. The majority of girls in this age range is out of school and has limited choices for the future. Girls are caught in the cycle of early marriage, repeated pregnancy and poverty. Adolescence among girls has been recognized as a special period .s their life cycle that requires specific and special attention. There are direct linkages between poverty and adolescent girls` health and vast majority of poor girls caught in this vicious circle. They are deprived of their basic rights to health, education, development and independence. Health and nutritional needs of adolescent girls are mostly ignored. There is enough evidence to indicate that fewer resources are invested in their health care”vary few receive medical care. Present book highlights the situation of adolescent girls and deals with pertinent issues of education, health and nutrition marriage, life skills, socio legal rights etc. lbs book contain twenty well written papers presented in the national conference which through light on various issues and dimensions of empowerment of adolescent girls. It is expected that the book will be highly me full as understanding the status of adolescents and evolving action plans for their empowerment. 8. Educational Status of Girl Quid: A Situational Analysis as Rural India 9. Scenario of Education among Adolescent Girls in India 10. Assessment of Kiahori Shakti Yojana 11. Self Empowerment of Adolescents in the Context of Behavioral Sensitivities and Life Skills Education 12. Health Status of Adolescent Girls 13. Adolescents Reproductive Health in India 14. Determinants of Menarcheal Problems and Hygiene Problems Adolescent Girls in Rural-Tripura 15. Stalin of Health end Nutrition of Adolescent Girls in 16. Necessity of Hill/AIDS Education among Rural 17. Health Care for Women and Adolescent Girls 18. Reproductive Health of Women and Adolescent Girls 19. Marriage Adolescent Girls in India ). Gild Marriage and Its Prevention: Role of Adolescent Girls Recommendations of National Seminar
ISBN 9788183874762

Pages : 383
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