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  Pakistan`s Intelligence

Pakistan`S Intelligence

by Sudhakar Raje

  Price : Rs 795.00
  Your Price : Rs 620.10
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  Pakistan’s Inter-Services Intelligence (ISI) is a born instrument of terror. For over half a century Pakistan has wielded this weapon to inflict “a thousand cuts’ on India. As described in these pages, terror attacks continue with impunity all over India, form Kashmir to Kerala. And in every such attack, the perpetrators are either sponsored and trained by ISI, or aided and abetted by it in one way or the other. This is the core truth of the situation. Pakistan, thus, is the world’s worst example of state-sponsored terrorism. What is worse, Pakistani terrorism in India is but a component of a global Islamic agenda. This explains how, on the one hand ISI has become powerful enough to be called “a state within the state,” on the other, al-Qaeda and Taliban have virtually carved out their own kingdoms in Pakistan. How for does the Indian dispensation show an awareness of this central fact of the situation? The answer is, pitifully little. Sudhakar Raje forcefully argues that unless the powers that be discard their pseudo-secular blinkers and look facts in the face, there will be no end to India’s war on terrorism and ISI will continue with its mayhem.

ISBN - 9788170493822

Pages : 334
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