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  Chanakya Niti - A Perspective to Investing in Shares

Chanakya Niti - A Perspective To Investing In Shares

by B L Mittal, Ravi Kant Sharma

  Price : Rs 175.00
  Your Price : Rs 154.00
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  Investment in shares has been an experience of wealth creation for many people. However, the same has also been a place for destruction of hard-earned money of many investors, particularly retail investors.

The fundamental question thus arises is : What is the difference? Is it the term of holding or is it the fundamental or is it the valuation?

The answer lies in the wisdom of Chanakya who said - Objectivity is supreme and for Objectivity - quality, fundamental, pricing, monitoring, planning all are important.

Following the wisdom of Chanakya, the authors have derived certain principles called Niti.

This book contains detailed view on each such principle called NITI. Some of such Nities are detailed below :

Make your Personal Resource Plan
Understand your Risk Profile
Take help from experts
Set rules for yourself and execute according to the rules
Never invest in Companies with poor Corporate Governance
Invest in businesses having sustainable value
No ego, no greed and no fear
Monitor Regularly and Rectify the mistakes at the earliest
Invest for your objective
Invest Regularly
Invest for Wealth Creation

The book also describes where to invest, when to invest, at what price and valuation to invest and more importantly, at all one should invest in shares or not.

Use this book to set your objective and then invest and if you like the wisdom of Kautilya then apply it and see the difference.

ISBN - 9788171949045

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