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  Empowerment of Weaker Sections in India: Perspectives and Approaches

Empowerment Of Weaker Sections In India: Perspectives And Approaches

by Dr. M.M. Verma

  Price : Rs 1995.00
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  In India, certain sections of population, viz, the scheduled castes, scheduled tribes, the other backward classes, and the minorities have been historically at a disadvantage. These sections have been facing educational, social, economic and political backwardness since long. Therefore, the Constitution of India has made elaborate arrangements to not only to protect the interests of the weaker sections but also to provide them packages of affirmative action. However, with the changing politico-economic scenario swayed by the policies of liberalization, privatization and globalization, the welfare orientation of Indian polity is being diluted. In a democracy, economic progress has to be achieved along with distributive justice. The widening rich-poor gap is a matter of worry. Hence, the Eleventh Five Year Plan (2007-12) placed special emphasis on including development. The present volume is an humble attempt to take stock of the development efforts initiated for these sections; the impact of various policies, programmes and initiatives taken by the governmental as well as non-governmental agencies; the politico-administrative difficulties and bottlenecks in execution of the schemes/ programmes, etc. The book contains 26 papers/articles devoted to the discussion of issues, problems, perspective and approaches regarding the development of weaker sections of India. The contributions have been made by senior academicians, policy makers and researchers from various universities, institutes and govern-ment departments across the country, especially the states of Orissa, Andhra Pradesh, Karnataka, Madhya Pradesh, R4aathan, Gujarat and Uttar Pradesh. Hopefully, the volume has been successful in presenting to the readers the current reality and a critique of d on going process of development of these weaker as also the remedial action. The volume may be quite useful for the politicians, policy makers, administrators, academicians, researchers, NGO activists, social workers, university students and all those interested in the emanci-pation and empowerment of weaker in India and abroad. ISBN : 9788183874779

Pages : 531
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