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Analytical Chemistry

by Dash, Dhruba Charan

  Price : Rs 395.00
  Your Price : Rs 335.75
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  This book provides a clear and concise understanding of the principles, applications and limitations of the various techniques involved in analytical chemistry. It covers all major areas such as qualitative analysis, quantitative analysis, data analysis, analysis of organic compounds, separation and purification techniques, electroanalytical techniques and spectroanalytical techniques. The book will motivate the students to face the academic and research challenges in the field of analytical chemistry in performing analytical analysis and interpreting the results obtained.

Intended primarily as a text for undergraduate students and postgraduate students (B.Sc. and M.Sc.) of chemistry, the book would also be of great benefit to the students who are appearing in NET and GATE examinations.

Key Features :

1. Provides clear introductions to key analytical methods.

2. Uses a large number of illustrations to make the topics self-explanatory.

3. Includes a large number of worked out problems for easy understanding of the concepts.

4. Contains numerous objective type questions, short answer type questions and graded problems to test the readers` understanding of the theory.isbn-9788120340770

Pages : 592
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