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  Systematic Approach to WEALTH TAX

Systematic Approach To Wealth Tax

by Girish Ahuja (Dr.) & Ravi Gupta (Dr.)

  Price : Rs 90.00
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  A simplified, systematic approach to the understanding of a complex subject written in a unique, simple, easy to understand language that enables a quicker grasp for the student. Each topic, after a theoretical exposition, is followed by plenty of illustrations with solutions to facilitate the busy student to master the practical application of the law. Numerous problems and solutions have been given to enable the students to clearly grasp the intricate provisions. Each chapter contains theoretical and practical questions. A novel feature in the book is the section-wise study given in the beginning of each chapter to enable the students to make a systematic study of the law ” User-friendly examination-oriented style that facilitates the comprehension in both sectionwise and topicwise manner. Even the last minute changes in the law have been incorporated in the book and it is, therefore, the latest and most upto-date book for the Assessment Year 2006-2007. The book is useful for the students appearing CS (Inter), CWA, MBA and CFA. examinations. It will also be useful for other professional studies. ISBN: 8177333674

Pages : 130
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