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  Indian Foreign Policy in a Unipolar World

Indian Foreign Policy In A Unipolar World

by Harsh V. Pant

  Price : Rs 750.00
  Your Price : Rs 637.50
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  This book examines the trajectory of India`s foreign policy in the 21st century, through a range of studies that cut across various geographical regions, theoretical frameworks and policy issues. Grounded in the post-Cold War shifts in the global balance of power where India has emerged as a major pole, the book examines the factors that have shaped the Indian response towards this emerging international security environment. The essays attempt to answer some essential and enduring questions in Indian foreign policy, especially: What is India`s perception of various issue areas and regions in crafting its foreign policy? How does it view its role and its interests? How has it gone about configuring its foreign policy towards meeting those ends? How is India interacting with the US in all those issue areas and regions? Are its interests compatible with the US interests? Where and how do they diverge? How is India negotiating those divergences with the US?Organised thematically, the three sections of the book examine the major influences that have shaped India`s foreign policy in recent years, its relations with major global powers and its foreign policy in the context of its engagements with strategically important regions across the globe. It discusses the issues of the emerging global nuclear order, the challenge of global terrorism and India`s pursuit of energy security, among many others. isbn-9780415480048

Pages : 280
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